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Five Content Delivery Networks to boost your SEO

Free Content Delivery Networks
Free Content Delivery Networks

CDNs, also known as content delivery networks also known as CDNs are highly effective instruments. They can be extremely useful to SEO however, it’s possible that they may harm you if you utilize them incorrectly. What are the most effective ones to choose? – Free Content Delivery Networks

What are CDNs? And What is their purpose?

Before you know the CDNs are the most effective and most reliable, you should understand how they work. In the event that you aren’t aware of this when it comes to looking at your requirements and the features offered by CDNs available you’ll not know which one is better than the other. – Free Content Delivery Networks

A CDN is essentially the local server that can cache your files on behalf of you and provides them to users on request. If this sounds similar to the way your web hosting provider is doing, that’s because it’s similar. CDNs utilize a global level of connectivity to deliver the files you need faster. They also require a Web host server to serve as the base to store your data. – Free Content Delivery Networks


The most common load on a website is when a person requests the loading of a web page from your website. The browser sends a request the server of your web hosting provider and it determines which files must be loaded and then sends them back. Users can view them loaded. – Free Content Delivery Networks

The route between the location of the user to the server could be lengthy, but. It could require hopping from a router in the local area then into one ISP router, then on to a network hub before moving to a second hub, moving around until it reaches an backbone. Then, it does the same thing in reverse in the data center in which the web hosting provider stores the files. Some routes are quite short Some are short – Google keep theirs as small as they can, but some are longer. You can view the visual representation for this here: – Free Content Delivery Networks

If your website host is located in California and your client is located in New York, the data must travel many miles to go from point A point B. It will take longer to load for a user located in New York than it will for a user from Nevada. This is the place where the use of a CDN is a must. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Imagine that instead of having to move between nodes all across the country, the server hosting your website was always “right next to your door.” This is the way CDN works. CDN operates. They purchase, rent or lease space for servers at hubs, nodes, or data centers across the United States and around the globe. They will then go through your website and save the information. If a visitor visits your website, instead your site sending all your data, it transmits an outline and instructions to extract data from CDN. The CDN located 10 miles from the user, in an unmarked warehouse, is able to load these files with no loss of speed due to multiple hops. – Free Content Delivery Networks


The secret is that the CDN contains thousands servers, meaning that regardless of where the user’s around the globe there’s always an CDN server in close proximity.

How CDNs Improve SEO

So , how can an online content delivery system enhance your search engine rank? The most straightforward way is to improve your site’s load speed. Google has stated that speed of site is a factor that determines ranking therefore, the quicker your site is loading more quickly, the better your position is, up to a degree. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Google knows that there will be certain variations and that there are times when there are inevitable delays on the internet. A brief DDoS won’t be likely to affect your SEO. Speeding up your website’s load time by .10 seconds won’t increase your SEO’s performance at all, or at least not in a noticeable way. In essence, Google just considers a general threshold. Consider that anything less than two seconds are “good” and anything between two to five can be considered “bad” as well as anything above 5 , is “terrible” and you’ll have the correct concept. I’m not able to confirm the actual gradients Google uses however, that’s the kind of approach you’d expect. – Free Content Delivery Networks

There are numerous ways to speed up loading of your website. A CDN is only one. You may also make use of compression on your files to reduce the size of your files and can be loaded faster. GZip is usually supported by web protocols. Additionally, you can transfer large media file sizes, for example videos, into embed websites like YouTube. Image editors to reduce the size of your images files. It is also possible to reduce the size of your code and scripts by removing any unnecessary characters or formatting. This can be a challenging suggestion, but If you have human developers who are working on your site frequently and formatting is important, it’s beneficial to keep it less clutter-filled. – Free Content Delivery Networks


Google offers their own suggestions also. They recommend to load scripts in asynchronous fashion and avoid redirects on landing pages , and that you focus on your content that is visible rather than hidden content such as analytics scripts. Learn more about this in this article. – Free Content Delivery Networks

A few of Google’s suggestions are a bit strict. They advise you to stay clear of plugins, for instance however, plugins are the heartbeat of an effective WordPress installation. The plugins that are well-coded will be quick to load and won’t affect your website’s speed but it’s an easy decision to throw them away. – Free Content Delivery Networks

It is possible to find other ways in which a speedier website can boost search engine optimization. The bounce rate is an important one. If visitors try to access your website, only to find that it takes several seconds for it to load before leaving the site, it’s an indication that your site is loading too slow. The increase in bounce rates can help your SEO in many ways. – Free Content Delivery Networks

There’s a fascinating consequence of modern-day technology for searching. When you use Siri, Cortana, Alexa or Google Now, the vocal search’s speed of response is vital. Google particularly will always search for the highest result, but if the result isn’t loading quickly enough, it will switch to the next result in order to locate a speedy result. – Free Content Delivery Networks


Do you think that the use of the CDN harm your website? It’s not so much. Most CDNs add an extra layer of security that is paired with speed. They protect your site from DDoS attacks and can make your website more secure. In rare cases they could have negative consequences however, in the majority of cases they’ll outweigh the negatives by a lot. – Free Content Delivery Networks

The Best Seven Free CDNs

Therefore, a reliable CDN requires an enormous network. This means that it shouldn’t be a local start-up. It should be solid, with a 100 percent uptime and redundant in the event in the event of a server failure. It should be able to improve the speed of your site in real-time, and it needs to be able to work with the plugins, software scripts, and files that you want hosted. – Free Content Delivery Networks

The challenge is finding the CDN that can do all that. In reality, almost every CDN is adequate enough. The difficult part is finding them free. The most effective CDNs include Akamai and Cloudfront with costs that are determined by the size and the number of files hosted as well as the amount of load of those files during the given time. Prices change too fast to be worth listing the current prices however, even though it’s usually quite affordable but it’s not completely cost-free. You won’t find a better deal on the bill. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Free Choice #1: Incapsula

Incapsula is a top business CDN that comes with many diverse functions, some of which are highly recommended for large or high-profile companies. They provide firewalls as well as bots suppression, SSL, DDoS protection and at the highest level include uptime SLAs as well as custom security features, load balancing, and an API. All of this, however it is only available on their paid plans. – Free Content Delivery Networks


It’s not easy to locate the service, but Incapsula also offers a no-cost plan. In their price page under the main plans is a tiny section about the free plan which is designed for small-sized blogs and offers bot protection, CDN access and two-factor authentication. It is possible to navigate to it by yourself and go here to sign for a free account. – Free Content Delivery Networks

The free plan loses the benefit of certain features. It does not include backdoor protection, SSL support, DDoS protection and failover, as well as any benefits that are available to enterprises. The service also restricts your support to support from the community, which could be a major issue when you’re struggling with it. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Free Alternative #2 : PageCDN

PageCDN is an extremely robust CDN which brings you the benefits of optimization for content and CDNs in both. If you decide to utilize this CDN you’ll be able to get the bulk of the tasks done with it. There is no need to utilize another tool to speed up your site up since PageCDN does it all for you. – Free Content Delivery Networks

That’s not all that bad.

PageCDN provides both paid and free plans, both free and paid. This means you’ll be able improve the speed of your website at no cost if you want to. But, the top attributes of the CDN make it among the top CDNs and one of the best features is that it offers host consolidation. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Contrary to other CDNs with subdomains that are created for each source, PageCDN combines all the content and hosts it on one host. This speeds up the speed of delivery. – Free Content Delivery Networks

PageCDN offers you access to a variety of premium features such as:

  • The cloud is used to optimize images, and resize them, or conversion
  • Simple HTTP cache optimization and an option to enable unmodifiable caching
  • Automatic DNS optimization
  • Delivery speed is increased through the PageCDN global network
  • Automatically sharing caches with other websites via open-source libraries
  • Modern compression technology with the potential to increase up to 27 percent more compression
  • Cloud-based CSS, and JS minification
  • WordPress Plugin Easy Speedup
  • Third-party cache reuse is a way to speed up loading of websites if certain sites cache resources from other websites.
  • The HTTP/2 Server Push will speed the site even more

What exactly is the Free plan offer?

  • CDN with thousands of open source libraries , including JQuery, WordPress themes and plugins
  • Cache sharing across several websites
  • You can switch to a the public CDN without difficulty
  • Immutable caches for open-source libraries
  • Fantastic browser and Edge cache hit rate

In addition, PageCDN offers Easy Fonts that are an substitute for Google Fonts.

There is only one difference?

They load quicker because they are more attainable. The PageSpeed scores will increase as you utilize them.

Free Alternative 3: Swarmify

Swarmify is primarily a service providing distributed loading for video content, in the event that you don’t wish to host all the videos you upload on YouTube. I’m going to ignore the features but they’re all paid-only. The free component is specifically designed for WordPress websites, and is called WordPress Acceleration Plan. WordPress Acceleration Plan. – Free Content Delivery Networks

With the WPAP you will get 10GB of image storage each month along with local geo-serving and email assistance. It’s not much, but it does not support scripts or video but for a heavy-on-images website , it’s a good option. Be mindful that when you use more than the bandwidth limit They will charge you $5 per gigabyte thereafter. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Free Option #4: JSDelivr

JSDelivr featuring the stylish trailing r in place of the er JSDelivr is an open source CDN that is completely free and free of charge.

It’s like Swarmify in that it’s solely focused on one thing it is not a broad-spectrum CDN. In this instance, the “thing” includes JavaScript. You can utilize it to transfer your scripts to a blazingly fast loading CDN. Because they don’t need to deal with heavy media and are able to concentrate on running smaller and quicker scripts, it’s lightning quick. The fact that you have to make use of a second CDN to store your media could cause it to be less than ideal However, it is a good option. – Free Content Delivery Networks

Free Option 5: Google’s App Engine

Google’s App Engine is a different CDN that doesn’t run simple media or scripts Instead, it’s built to host and manage web-based applications. This is why it’s ideal when you’re looking to run an online business or host a task application however, it’s a specific usage scenario that’s not for all users.

The main advantage for App Engine App Engine comes in two ways. It’s cost-free for five million usages per month and comes with half a gigabyte of storage and hosting up to ten projects. It’s also fully connected to all the Google services. If you’re already familiar with Google services, it’s a great choice.

Additionally the fact that it’s more than an CDN but an area for development. Developers can utilize App Engine in order to build and test their apps rather than host and execute it. This can be extremely useful when you don’t have your own test environment locally.

Free Choice 6: Cloudflare

Cloudflare tends to view the services they offer from a safety perspective more than a delivery point of view and filter out undesirable traffic with a lot of force. This is excellent for DDoS security however, they also make Cloudflare the most frequent CDN error that I encounter during my use of the internet. I don’t know what number of times I’ve attempted to browse a website and was presented with an empty Cloudflare warning page.

If you’re interested in giving the devices a go and see if they work, they could work for you. Additionally, they’re great for DDoS security, at the very least , in that they’ll help protect your data. Your site may be slow or difficult to access during the course of a DDoS however, it’s not likely to get hacked and expose the data to users or to be completely shut down.

Free Choice 7. Coral CDN

Coral CDN is an interesting experiment CDN that does not work with servers but instead with peer-to-peer loading. It’s an interesting idea but I wouldn’t suggested using it for commercial venture, as it requires you to connect another domain to your own to make the request load through their CDN. This is one of the ways scammers create fake websites, and it’s not the best way to present your site.

Additionally, Coral CDN hasn’t worked since the year 2015. I’m bringing this up because the concept of a peer-to-peer CDN is fascinating and may possibly, in the future it could be a more effective version of an CDN as opposed to the conventional models of data centers. At present you’ll need to satisfy yourself with one of these choices.

Are you using a favourite CDN either free or paid? I’m curious what the general consensus is on excellent CDNs nowadays. Tell me in the comments section below to get interesting information.


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