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Check Traffic Blog Posts


How do you check the traffic of the Blog Posts you have created

Check Traffic Blog Posts
Check Traffic Blog Posts

The majority of us in this case, by “us” I’m referring to blog owners who have blogs are typically concerned with the amount of traffic that we receive on our websites. It is a sign of the audience. It’s a measure of the performance. It’s a measurement that can be used to measure the extent to which our marketing strategy works, as well as how our content is bringing viewers into our website, and how our site’s performance is overall. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

It is a fact that traffic drops in the course of time. The evergreen content maintains a slow drip most of the time but time-sensitive content is often a complete waste of time. If your website is older than one year and a blog that has been updated every week at least two times There’s a good chance that some of your content never has any visitors at all. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

The issue is, how do you measure the traffic at a per-post basis? And, once you’ve figured out the parameters, what can you do?


Verifying Traffic at a Per Post Level

It’s likely that you’re making use of Google Analytics to monitor information regarding your website. This is a good thing, since I’m going to assume that you’re using Google Analytics to monitor your site’s performance. If you’re using another program such as Raven Tools You’ll need find out how to achieve something like what I’m doing here by yourself. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

The first step to do is login to Google Analytics. The first step is to log into your Google Analytics dashboard. You will find your “what pages do users visit?” section in the dashboard that has been updated. You should see a link called “pages report.” Click that and it will show you the most popular posts that you have on your site, generally presented in a table, along with traffic as well as a few other metrics.

It is possible to expand the table to add additional rows using by clicking the “show rows” button – and continue making it so that you can view all of your website’s content. Adjust the time-based factor to view the traffic per the day or week, month or any other time period. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

When you look at your website on a monthly basis, take note of any posts that have no views. If the article gets one click it’s worth a look and should not put it on an auditing list. We’re conducting an audit. Surprised? It’s not all that complicated. – Check Traffic Blog Posts


Create a list of all the content that hasn’t received a single view in the last month, the last two months, or any timeframe you’d like to use. Larger websites can utilize longer durations; If an article hasn’t received even one view over the past year, it’s a good goal.

Newer or smaller sites do not necessarily need to utilize these long-lasting metrics. In the end, a blog post may have received plenty of attention in the past three months but not within the last month because it was released three months in the past.

In any event, create an inventory of all the articles that have no traffic during the time you’d like to look them up. The list you make will be used in the future. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

The WordPress Alternative to WordPress

If your site is built on the WordPress design and you are using Google Analytics, you can install an extension plugin known as Google Analytics Dashboard for WP. You can download it here.


The dashboard includes Google Analytics functionality right in the WordPress administrator control panel. While this adds an abundance of functions on the WordPress Dashboard, the primary feature you’re searching for is your Posts section. You can zoom in on the Posts section and you’ll get an excellent overview of your entire posts, exactly as you’d expect in any WordPress installation.

With GADWP installed, you’ll also see a brand new column of information next to every post. It will show the amount of amount of traffic it has received. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

In this case you must take the same step as earlier in this section in case you used that. For instance, you should check for any post that hasn’t received any visitors in the last one or two months.

What To Do with Your Post List

You’ve now created these posts with no visitors. What will you take them? Examine them, of course!


Here’s the list of filters that which you must apply – probably manually on the listing of the posts. Anything that is in line with the requirements of these filters should be eliminated from the list.

Filter 1 The topic’s seasonality. Some blogs have particular types of content that are seasonal. A site for recipes might not be able to get traffic for a guide to Thanksgiving dinner all year, but once November arrives the month, you can expect traffic increases. Sites that offer child-friendly activities to celebrate different holidays won’t get much traffic for an Easter-themed article in the time of spring. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

Every article that is most likely to see traffic during the season even though it’s the off-season, could be taken off the list. There is no need to eliminate something which is still of worth at certain time during the season. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

The caveat is if the content is old enough to examine it, and even when it is in season it isn’t getting any traffic. If you’ve got the recipe for Thanksgiving dinner and you don’t get any hits at Thanksgiving, the recipe is not in the database. – Check Traffic Blog Posts


Filter 2: Relevance of the Topic. Writing news articles and articles about trends can be useful in the present but it often goes out of fashion over the course of time and over the years. Some articles may return to relevance lateron, thanks to the cyclical nature of the past. To highlight something that is relevant in the present, Yahoo announced that the extent of the 2013 data breach was much greater than the previous information.

In the current flurry of news articles on the data breach you can bet that many of the articles from 2013 on the subject have been rediscovered as relevant. But, it’s likely to be articles which provide a summary of what transpired, not news reports of the incident. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

The articles that aren’t likely to have any relevance to the current cycle such as articles about the passing of a famous person or about the creation of a brand new business may not be worth keeping on the shelf. It’s your choice to decide, but I’d recommend removing several of them from publications.

Filter 3: Review Possibility. Sometimes an old article is completely valid, however the information contained in it is outdated. For instance, this Blog mutt post was first released in the year 2015 but because the subject changed over the last couple of years, they updated the post to make it more appropriate to the latest Versions that are available in Google Analytics. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

If the article is on something you could modify and adapt to the present, remove them from your list however, you can add them to a different list of revisions that you could make. You must modify them. If you do, you should update the date of publication, include an acknowledgement at the top as in the Blogmutt piece, then then give an additional push to promote it via your social media channels as well as newsletters channels. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

Anything that isn’t able to be updated is likely to be put on the list. Articles that provide tutorials for products that are no longer available like, for instance, may meet the criteria. Similar to articles that attempt convincing you to buy the product that was removed from the market. Although it’s very possible that you can revise an article to make a fresh suggestion, rather than. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

As a filter that is a subset of this one, you’ll should keep an eye out for posts that are old enough to be using an SEO technique that is classified as black hat. For instance, a high concentration of exact-match geographical keywords was commonplace an hour ago, but is now likely to be penalized in the present. Keyword stuffing, participating in reciprocal links and even guest posts that focus on SEO could hold you back.

In this situation you must decide whether or not your post should be revised. Most of the time, it’s not. No traffic suggests that the content isn’t worth it at present and negative SEO practices could hinder your website’s performance. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

Again, any item that doesn’t satisfy the criteria for something to be kept should be left off the checklist. We’ll use the final list to come back later.

Filter 4 Reliability and Presence of Backlinks. The final filter I’d recommend looking for backlinks.

There are many ways to get a link profile from the post you are looking for. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

  • Create a report using Google Analytics for the post that is in question. Create an URL report for referrals, in order to view the total amount of traffic coming through other websites. The traffic coming from another site is by definition coming from a hyperlink. – Check Traffic Blog Posts
  • Connect to your Google Analytics account to a service such as the Linkstant to discover Links. The goal of this tool is more of an innovative link discovery tool rather than an older link audit, however it still can discover some links. – Check Traffic Blog Posts
  • Utilize to use the Moz Open Site Explorer. OSE is a great tool that maintains their own index. This means you don’t need to rely on Google or the data provided by Google Analytics the company itself. But, it’s not a service that is free. You can scan one link one or two times before it cut you off when you’re scanning a large list of links, as we are then you’ll have to purchase an Moz Pro account.
  • Utilize to use the Ahrefs ‘ link crawler. Like the Moz OSE, Ahrefs is a paid service that crawls all your links in the most comprehensive and extensive way as is possible. Similar to Moz however, they also are also a part of their own index which they claim to be the largest in the world. They also collect a wealth of other data including the rank of a domain to shares on social media. It’s certainly worth an opportunity. – Check Traffic Blog Posts
  • Utilize use of the Majestic links database. Majestic is among the most effective link crawlers that are available. They provide useful information on a site-wide basis. It’s more challenging to find links to a particular page however, and you’ll need an account with a fee to make maximum benefit from the services, which includes historic index. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

Whatever method you choose, you need to determine not only how many times the site that you are looking at has backlinks but also what the quality of those backlinks could be. Links that have nofollowing should not be considered.

Nofollowed links that don’t bring you any traffic is basically useless. If the site is only populated with hyperlinks from social media sites isn’t necessarily worth it. If only the links come from scrapers or paid sources who stole your content, then they’re not worthy of keeping. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

Once you have it cleaned, do this

After you’ve cleared every filter – as well as any other you’d like to apply You’ll have a list of all the pages which are, in essence not worthy of what they’re taking within your servers. – Check Traffic Blog Posts

What exactly do I mean? It’s because they don’t include relevant information, they’re not worthy of updating or updated as they don’t attract much traffic and they’re not the source of any useful hyperlinks. Certain of them may not have any links to them apart from your own social media marketing.

What should you do about them? My opinion is to eliminate these. They’re bringing no worth to your website and therefore why should you should you keep them around? If they’re not attracting any visitors through search engine results, it could harm your website. If you’re skeptical that removing them will affect your site it is possible to add in the “noindex” tag into the header of specific articles.

In the case of WordPress, Yoast allows you to do this. Be careful to ensure that you don’t end up noindexing your entire website; this can cause a drop in your search rank.

For an intimate story I’ve performed this kind of audit on many websites. The site that you’re currently reading about has an increase in traffic of around 20% after we removed more than 200 of the posts that were posted in 2014 and earlier that were not worth linking to and no consistent traffic. The posts were basically the equivalent of a stone that was preventing the site from growing.

And one more thing be sure that whenever you remove a post and you check for broken links on your website. There will be broken links and you’ll need to repair them.

Take a look. I’m betting you’ll like what you see.


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