HomeEastendersEastEnders spoilers: Rainie destroys Stuart with a crushing revelation

EastEnders spoilers: Rainie destroys Stuart with a crushing revelation


In forthcoming EastEnders scenes, Rainie (Tanya Franks) will leave Stuart (Ricky Champ) upset, causing him to experience more setbacks after receiving his cancer diagnosis.

As they witness Stuart packing up all of his stuff, several neighbors on the neighborhood, including Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley), express their concern for him.

As Stuart informs them that the doctor has given him the all-clear regarding his cancer diagnosis, they become perplexed and wonder what else might be causing his odd behavior.


Later, Stuart tells Karen why he has been acting in such an unusual manner.

He tells Rainie openly that he has given Rainie his parental rights, upsetting her. She declares that she never wants to see him again in her emotional state.

Stuart had earlier confided in Rainie about his difficulty bonding with his son, Roland, and that he would agree to Roland’s return to his birth mother, Bernie (Clair Norris), if the suggestion were made.

While Rainie avoided the subject, Karen plans to recommend that Stuart get checked out for possible postpartum depression.


Will Rainie realize Stuart needs her help or does she really want to cut all connections with him forever?


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