Will Ben reveal what transpired to Callum?
Following are spoilers for EastEnders.
In forthcoming scenes, Ben Mitchell makes contact with his husband Callum Highway as the sexual assault plotline on EastEnders unfolds.
Ben was sexually assaulted by Lewis Butler in earlier episodes. Ben concealed the information from Callum, who later ended their marriage because he believed mistakenly that the meeting had been consensual.

In following scenes, Kathy Beale, who is aware of Ben’s true circumstances, urges him to be honest with Callum after spotting a sign that the two are on the verge of making amends.
Ben chooses to ask Callum to see him after running across Kheerat Panesar, who also has some suggestions.
Callum chooses to meet with Ben despite Stuart’s advice to his brother to not give him another chance.

An incident will take place at The Vic as Ben begins to describe his experience, causing a furious Callum to scream at his ex and storm off.
When Kathy returns home, she discovers a distraught Ben dealing with the results of his meeting with Callum. What has changed, though?