After being brought to the hospital, Bree accuses Dean of mistreating Ziggy on the next episode of Home and Away in the UK. Is she ready to commit a grave error because her interactions with Jacob have clouded her judgement?
Pregnancy for Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) is likely going as well as can be anticipated for a Summer Bay resident. After adjusting to the news that she and Dean (Patrick O’Connor) were expecting, Ziggy hesitated to undergo her 12-week scan before realising that she was far further ahead than she had imagined.
After collapsing in the garage from inhaling chemical fumes and rushing to the hospital for what turned out to be inconsequential cramps, Ziggy is now dealing with a much more serious issue after losing her balance at the surf club.

Next week, when the action picks up, Dean is trying his best to soothe Ziggy as she waits for the ambulance while lying on the floor. They are both worried about the baby following the difficult fall.

Soon after arriving, Paramedic Xander (Luke Van Os) determines that Ziggy is experiencing pain in both her legs and stomach and transports her to Northern Districts Hospital. However, Dean and Ziggy are unaware that their infant will not be their only concern.

An impatient Dean can’t help but try to speed things along as Dr Bree (Juliet Godwin) supervises Ziggy’s admission, places an order for a spinal scan, and questions her about what happened.
Bree feels on edge because Dean has never been known to remain composed in stressful situations. His insistent tone and refusal to leave Ziggy’s side also make Bree uncomfortable.
Of course, Bree is now having a difficult time dealing with her violent husband, Jacob (Alex Williams). Remi is frustrated that Bree has so far declined to take the next step and report Jacob to the authorities after persuading him to return to Western Australia for three more months of work (Adam Rowland).
While Bree arranges for an ultrasound, Dean’s agitation continues, and he and Ziggy are both relieved to hear the baby’s perfectly healthy heartbeat. Bree’s scepticism about Dean increases when he playfully declares that Ziggy would never walk down stairs again and that he will never let her out of his sight.

When Bree notices that Ziggy is bleeding, the initial sense of relief changes once more to one of panic, and while she arranges for an urgent internal ultrasound to check on the placenta, Dean is on the edge of losing it. Bree reminds him that becoming furious won’t improve the situation as he keeps asking her what’s going on.
Dean responds, “Believe me, you’d know if I was angry.” and Bree feels a cold run down her spine.

Bree is triggered by Dean’s tone, which sets off warning bells, according to Juliet Godwin.
Thankfully, the scan is okay, but Bree still orders Ziggy to stay in bed for a week to protect the placenta. Bree abruptly chooses to keep Ziggy in overnight and asks Dean to go get some stuff for her when Dean reiterates what Bree says, assuring her that there will be no exceptions.
Bree asks Ziggy how Dean has been managing things now that he’s out of the way. Bree, however, makes a mistaken assumption after noticing a bruise on Ziggy’s knee that she can’t explain.

“Bree verifies in her thoughts that Ziggy is being abused when she sees the bruise on Ziggy’s thigh.” Juliet goes on. Bree has had to justify her own injuries far too frequently, so she won’t stand by and let someone else suffer in quiet.
Bree believes that Dean’s return to the hospital and his insistence on staying by Ziggy’s side the entire night only supports her theory.
The following morning, Ziggy has an emotional outburst as she apologises to Dean for ignoring his warnings about going overboard. Bree makes the decision to act after hearing only one side of the argument. Bree tells Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) at the police station that she wants to file a domestic violence report.

When Cash learns that Ziggy needs to be protected upon arriving at the hospital, he is hesitant, but Bree believes that it is a textbook case.
Naturally bewildered by Cash’s appearance, Ziggy is terrified to learn that Dean is being accused of abusing her physically.

Ziggy argues that Bree has it all wrong, but when Dean returns to the ward, Cash feels compelled to stop Dean from approaching. Cash has no choice but to bring Dean down to the police station as he starts to run.

As they constantly attempt to persuade everyone that there has been a major misunderstanding, Dean and Ziggy are at a loss, and as Ziggy’s ire continues to flare, Bree starts to question whether she has made the wrong choice after all.
Remi questions Bree’s view after hearing what happened and warns her that her past relationship with Jacob might be skewing her judgement.
After being informed that he must avoid Ziggy until she has been interviewed, Dean is unable to go home and begs Mackenzie to watch out for her.

Bree, who is present, overhears the talk and is shocked to learn how much Dean really cares about Ziggy. She is now certain that she erred greatly!

Bree recognises that her efforts to preserve Ziggy are really an appeal for assistance from her, says Juliet. She recognises that Dean is not like Jacob when the curtain is pulled back.
Will Bree eventually have the guts to speak up about Jacob? She knows she needs to get the strength to admit her error.