Next week on Home and Away, Bree Cameron (Juliet Godwin) resolves to move on with her life in the wake of her abusive husband Jacob’s (Alex Williams) absence.
When nasty Jacob doesn’t show up for work in subsequent scenes, the doctor is left uneasy. When she finds out that the abuser has empty their bank accounts, things take a further turn.
Bree breaks down in her hotel room after making the discovery because she is so afraid of what Jacob is up to and what he is capable of.
About her character’s initial response to Jacob’s abrupt departure, actress Juliet Godwin told Metro.co.uk, “At first, she’s pretty surprised and in disbelief.” She is unsure of what to make of it at first, and as the “what ifs” play through her mind, the fear increases.
He is dangerous, and she is unsure of what will happen next.
In the meantime, Remi Carter (Adam Rowland) steps in to help Bree and is desperate to take her back to his house in an effort to protect her. Bree rejects his offer because she wants to protect him and is concerned about what Jacob would do if he found out.
Bree begs Remi to leave her alone, but he won’t and he decides to stay with her because she won’t come and stay with him.

But, in classic soap opera manner, conflict breaks out very quickly!
Bree is really appreciative of the assistance and support Remi has provided her, but Juliet noted that Bree is bound to experience some “human moments” in which she may lose her cool due to the stress of being shut up in a hotel room for three days.
Yet aside from that, those two have a tendency to solve problems swiftly. She initially felt like she didn’t want him to stay because she was so frightened about Remi, but when he insisted, she said OK. Although she hasn’t expressed it yet, she is deeply attracted to this man because she values his security.
Bree is beginning to develop feelings for Remi, as Juliet previously mentioned, and in later scenes, she escapes her imprisonment by going surfing, which turns out to be just what she needs.

This is a big time for her, Juliet acknowledged. “A significant turning moment. Going surfing might not seem like a huge deal to some people, but for Bree, getting over her fear and stepping outside to surf is how she regains her independence and rediscovers herself.
“Surfing is part of her identity, and taking that initial step gives her the guts to take the next two steps where she says, “I’m going to divorce Jacob” and “I’m going to take [Remi] on a date.””
She’s going to take back control of her life and her identity. This is Bree’s way of regaining her identity since so many victims of domestic abuse do, sadly.
Bree asks Remi out on a date, which surprises him, but they are both thrilled about their relationship and where it might go.
Bree’s sense of humour is especially sparked by Remi, who also brings out a beautiful side of her, according to Juliet. “She is worthy of that sort of love,” he has been so helpful, and “she feels so safe with him.”
With Jacob afterwards seen lurking in the shadows, obviously knowing of Juliet’s newfound romance, however, things are about to take another dark turn, and frightening moments will follow.