The “golden pair” of Summer Bay will have a “difficult obstacle” to overcome.
Fans of Home and Away were ecstatic to learn that Dean Thompson (Patrick O’Connor) and Sophie Dillman’s (Ziggy Astoni) baby girl was born on Tuesday night. Despite the happy atmosphere of the episode, the pair will soon confront their “toughest test yet,” according to the producers.
Ziggy struggles to adjust to her new role as a mother, according to a recent trailer. She is portrayed as unhappy and gazing blankly at her baby’s cot in what appears to be a sort of postpartum depression.

Postnatal depression may result in “poor mood” and “feelings of hopelessness,” according to Health Direct Australia. According to the website, “Postnatal depression is prevalent, affecting roughly 1 in 5 Australian mothers and 1 in 10 Australian fathers in the first year after they deliver the kid.”
Ziggy seeks out Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger) in the advertisement, and one sentence in particular breaks viewers’ hearts.
She asks, “You truly believe I can handle this?” before Irene reassures her and enfolds her in a tight hug.
It’s unclear what Ziggy and Dean’s future holds, but it doesn’t seem promising. While clutching his infant and sporting a troubled expression, Dean is spotted desperately looking for his partner.
On social media, many appreciated the show for covering such a significant and challenging subject.
One individual said, “I’m so thrilled they’re capturing real life scenarios with actual emotional journeys some people experience.
Another person said, “To be honest, it is really upsetting to know that ladies go through this.
“I chose it because I suspected Ziggy might be experiencing postpartum depression. I was aware of the symptoms, a third added.
Another person said, “As a mother who has experienced PND, it’s upsetting and challenging, but if she does have PND, I’m hope it is done in a wonderfully good way.”

There have been rumours about Sophie and Patrick possibly leaving the show, and some fans have put up the hypothesis that this plot line would be the catalyst for their characters leaving Summer Bay.
One fan speculated, “I have a hunch that this could be their leave plot, maybe they travel to be with Karen’s parents or Ziggy’s.”
Another said, “Love Sophie’s acting, definitely going to miss her when she departs.”
Another person speculated, “I’m expecting she’ll leave to move in with her parents and Dean and the grommet will follow.”