Johnny Ruffo, a former Home and Away actor, recently provided a poignant update on his battle with terminal cancer.
In 2017, the celebrity learned he had a brain tumour, but he was certified cancer-free in 2019. Sadly, his disease came back, and the young actor said in August 2022 that it was deadly.

The pop singer tells Yahoo Lifestyle in an open interview that his girlfriend “keeps him strong,” shares what “inspires” him, and shares what he wants for Christmas.
Johnny is honest about his dependence on his longtime partner Tahnee Sims. Since they started dating in 2015, she has stood by Johnny as he has battled various health issues. Even though his cancer is fatal, he isn’t prepared to give up just yet.
He tells us, “I’m still receiving chemotherapy and I’m still fighting along, just putting one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. He says, “It is a challenge,” and then adds that Tahnee is “very lucky” to be by his side.
The X Factor contestant is aware that his partner is going through a trying time personally. She seems to be struggling just as much as I am, but she also has to put up with me, he jokes. Without her, it would undoubtedly be more difficult.
Johnny acknowledges that Tahnee is eager to get married and expresses the hope that the couple will be able to travel more in the future.
“She’s obviously dropped a hint about getting engaged, you know. I think it might be in the cards maybe, and I’m definitely feeling the nudge nudge,” he confesses after hearing her exclaim, “Ooh, I like this ring, and I like that one.”

Children from the Starlight Children’s Foundation “inspire” the star
When Johnny begins to tell us about his most recent collaboration with Amazon Australia and the Starlight Children’s Foundation, he beams with excitement.
The organization’s main goal is to cheer up sick youngsters by using “play, social connection, and creativity” to help them get through “their toughest times.”
The celebrity collaborated on a stop-motion video with Charli Robinson of Hi-5 and kids from the organisation known as “Amazon Playmakers.” The non-profit will also receive a sizable haul of toys in addition to a portion of the proceeds from toy sales.
“Amazon Australia will donate $1 for each toy purchased from the stop-motion video, up to a maximum of $45,000. Up to $100,000 worth of toys are already included in this, he adds.
“How much it means to these kids cannot be measured in terms of money…
With this, the Starlight Children’s Foundation can accomplish so much.

The actor claims that interacting with the kids was a lot of fun and that he enjoyed making them smile. Despite spending years working on the campaign, he confesses that creating this particular video was “the most fun” he has ever had.
“You know, I also fight my own battles. But when you see how resilient and strong these kids are, you can’t help but think, “Wow. If these children can gather the fortitude to endure what they are, then I can, without a doubt.
They are truly inspirational.

Nobody can predict what will happen tomorrow.
In spite of his health struggles, Johnny has remained upbeat and says that he would rather focus on the present than the future.
“Whether you are sick or not…
Nobody has any idea what will occur tomorrow. That’s where I am right now, so you have to live in the present and appreciate each day as it comes,” he says.
He makes an effort to let those he loves know how much they mean to him, even though he worries about how Tahnee would cope if he loses his cancer battle.
He concedes, “I believe it’s inevitable for the ones that you love that they’re going to have to go through something that’s fairly terrible at some point they’re going to have to,” “Therefore, make an effort to see them as often as you can. Make wonderful memories. So when they do think of you, they smile and remember the wonderful things.

The star is thrilled that his one dream for Christmas this year is about to come true. Michael, his brother, whom Johnny admires, will be spending Christmas with family in Australia.
The siblings talk frequently on the phone, but because Michael lives in Ireland, he hasn’t actually seen Johnny since a long time ago.
My brother and I haven’t spoken in three years. I adore my brother so much; he is my all-time hero,” he gushes. “He’s returning to Perth, so we’re returning to Perth, where we’ll celebrate Christmas together. I am impatient.
“Seeing my brother is something I’d like for Christmas. I will undoubtedly receive that this year, he says.