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WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce


WordPress plugins that can help you Lower Your Bounce Rate

Wordpress Plugins Reduce Bounce
WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

Bounce rate is among the metrics that, just like Transformers There’s much more that what’s apparent. On the surface, the bounce rate may seem like a bad thing. This is the number of people who visit your site , but then leave. is that a good thing? – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

The truth is that there are two kinds of bounces. The first type is poor. They visit your website in results from a search and then shut down the browser or click your back button. They’re clearly disinterested by your website or accidentally clicking on it or judging right away that you don’t offer the information they’re looking for. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

It’s not an error by you. I often come across an item I’m looking for then Google the item, but occasionally click on a link thinking it’s Amazon however it’s actually Walmart. Walmart can sell the product well however I’m not looking to purchase from their site, which is why I click and then go to Amazon. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce


The other kind of bounce is called a ” good” bounce. If a user is searching for a reference manual on an item on your PC that you have. They land on your site, and the page that they are on is the exact reference guide. They find the data they require They refer to it, and then close the tab. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

It’s not a problem, is there? You were a satisfied user. However, the issue is that bounce rate needs two steps to avoid. When a visitor arrives at your site, it’s only one interaction. When they click on an image, click on an element on the page, or close a pop-up; these are two actions and record the duration of time they spent on the website. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

If the user doesn’t take any second step, Google has no way to know the extent of the duration of time on its site is for that particular user. It is set to zero and is counted as an error, even if you completely satisfied the intent of the user. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

All bounces are negative and even unsatisfied users, since they signal that your website isn’t engaging enough to make the user remain on your site. However, there are many ways to “force” another step to track non-bounce users as sessions, not bounces. I’ve put together a list of WordPress plugins you could use to assist you in this. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce


1. Lower Bounce Rate

“Fake” bounces occur due to the user not having a second experience with your website, which means they do not trigger that second data point in order to determine the amount of time they spend on your the page. How would you trigger an unintentional interaction to create the second data point, without impacting the user’s experience? This plugin can do that. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce – This plugin is extremely easy to use. It basically, what it does is triggers your google Analytics tracking code that you have installed on your WordPress website every ten seconds. Every user who is on your site for more than ten seconds gets an additional data point or a third or fourth or however long they’ve been on your page. There is no requirement to utilize the default data point of ten seconds also. You can decide to make it happen at a different frequency or more frequently in your settings screen.

From the viewpoint of the user the user’s perspective is that nothing changes or even a tiny signal from the browser that something is being loaded. It’s likely you’ve seen this happen before and it happens when you’re on an internet page and see the favicon refresh suddenly, even though you’ve completed nothing. This is just a signal that an application or script has been was executed and didn’t refresh the page or interrupt your browsing. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

It’s possible that you’re wondering whether this is in line with Google. They have a long history of removing everything that doesn’t align with their vision of what metrics should be used to determine. But the truth is that, Google understands that the “satisfied bounce of users” is a very real issue for metric analysis. In fact, they published a blog article in 2012 that contained similar code that you could implement to perform this type of timed refresh on your own. Google will certainly not to penalize anyone for using a method that they used to promote themselves. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce


It is free and does not come with any weird fermium options , or plans that cost money or time limitations. It has a comparatively small number of users, ranging around 10,000 and has only 40 reviews as of the time of writing, however most of them are favorable. There are some indicators that the script may not work with other JavaScript software you may be using on your website It’s a good idea to test it prior to implementing it on a larger scale. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

Be aware that this plugin will make your analytics more precise. The plugin “decreases the bounce rate” by accurately determining who bounced and which did not. In the event that your bounce percentage remains excessive, there are alternatives to consider. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

2. Exit Pop-Overs with Intent

I’m making this a complete category instead of a specific plugin, as there are many of them available. I’ll talk about a handful that I’ve found, however before that let’s discuss the functions they perform in general. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

It’s likely that you’ve experienced an exit intent-based pop-up in the past. If you decide in order to drag your mouse away of the browser window this moment,this very site will activate one. You’ll be asked to join our mailing list. This is by the way is pretty decent and you should definitely sign up. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce


A pop-over with an exit intention, or pop-up, or whatever name you choose to use, is a boxed graphic , and an opt-in page generally. You can put anything you’d like there, things to promote an ebook, an item to attract people to sign up for email, something you can use it to advertise an event, or offer a coupon code, it’s irrelevant in the context of our discussion today. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

The most important thing is the key is the. The exit intent pop-up appears whenever a user performs an action to exit the page. This is usually when that they close their tabs, move their mouse out of the window in which they are at or shift the cursor to the X symbol for the window or tab. Sometimes the pop-ups may be caused by a delay. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

An exit intent pop-up won’t hinder a user from jumping when they wish to. What it does is disrupts the user’s intention by displaying a different page. The user is forced to reconsider your site, and they could decide to do something else. If the action they take involves closing your pop-up you’re doing it right. If they fill the form, awesome! You can become a member of the mailing list or get a coupon or something else. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

The most important part is completed; it triggers an additional step. This action is recognized by Google and renders the user not an unintentional bounce. This is all you require. Here are a few options to think about. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

  • Yeloni Exit Popup. The plugin is flexible and not overly complicated, making it the perfect choice for the minimalist web developer. The theme can be customized with regards to color, fonts the text, image fonts, and everything else that happens to the pop-up in the event that you are using one of the primary kinds of widgets. You can trigger it upon the intent to exit, on time delay, the scroll distance, or upon loading of the page. It’s totally free, however, it has an upgrade for a fee that gives additional actions.
  • OptinSpin. It’s an interesting twist in the exit intent pop-up model. Instead of a standard opt-in form, this one presents users with a prize wheel with various prizes. The prizes can include discounts on shipping, free shipping or even free goods. It is customizable however you want and it works with WooCommerce to offer coupons. It’s an excellent incentive to encourage users to stay around.
  • Exit Popup from Brontobytes. This is a common, basic and minimally customizable version of an exit intention pop-up. It is possible to control the size and design the content you’d like to display inside the window, but you don’t need to navigate through a myriad of complicated and specific templates or settings to accomplish it. Ideal for those who need an easy-to-use solution or who require absolute personalization. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

There are of course other alternatives. This post by WP Buffs has 20 different s For instance. The site is using affiliate link so be aware in case you’re interested.

3: Pagination

Pagination is a thorny subject. If it is used in the right way it can create an additional step that a user has to complete if they wish to view the full duration of the content. If used improperly it can result in devastating on your site’s usability and search engine rankings. It’s true that the excessive use of pagination is a thing Google will punish. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

To comprehend the reasons Google has a problem with it, it is enough to realize that it was abused by the internet in past. People would read an article of 1,000 words and split it into ten 100-word sections each one of which had their own page with an image of its own. It’s not a problem by itself as it’s basically SlideShare however it can become an issue when you find that display ads were added on each page in addition.

The article now had 10 pageviews instead of just one. Because the users didn’t click on the ads at all times or in the event that they clicked,, it would not be a useful click, Google determined it was an exploitation for profit and decided to punish it. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

It is still possible to make use of pagination, but you must ensure that every page in a post contains significant information and that you’re not running any display ads or, if you’re they are running in a an acceptable amount. A 2,000-word article could be split into two pages of 1000 words as an example and never 20 pages with a word count of 100 words. – WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce

  • WP-Paginate. This is a no-cost open-source and completely adjustable pagination plug-in. It simply allows you to divide a post into pages using an easy shortcode that you can add to create a page divide. It is able to paginate blog post comments too. You can select various styles of buttons, or utilize CSS to design your own.
  • Page pagination in Posts. This plugin is more complicated, however it comes with several additional features such as the ability to incorporate with the Visual Composer, and the capability to select text buttons, numbers or any combination of them as well as the capability to customize these for each page. There is also a professional version that adds buttons that have additional functions.
  • WebP PageNavi. It doubles as general search engine optimization plugin. It offers a variety of options for controlling the page pagination on your website as well as your blog posts and directories of your posts and everything else that is in your theme. It’s extremely robust, however it also requires knowledge of programming to be able to access and alter your theme directly that may not be within the expectations of some developers.

In the same way, pagination is beneficial for your website however it could cause problems if you are able to paginate too many articles that result in thin pages of information. Make sure that each page is substantive. Don’t forget to redirect the URLs to a canonical format so that you don’t have pages 2 appearing in the search results when you’d rather be on page 1.

Related post widgets help decrease bounce rates by displaying related content on your website right on top of it, either in the middle what users are already reading. It’s similar to display ads for other content that you have on your website. This is something you can observe on the page you’re on right now. You’ll be able to see it in two spots The trending post box to the right and the box for related posts below the article.

The idea is that a visitor who is interested in your content, but has not yet taken the second decision may be enticed take action if they are able to see other content pieces which might be of interest to them. In the event that they visit a different article the site will stay open longer and that’s a plus for your call to action. This is a different type of activity that Google will track to help you analyze your site and make the user not an unintentional bounce.

The only drawback has been it is that users are gradually beginning to turn their backs on these mostly due to Native advertising platforms such as Taboola as well as Outbrain that appear as related posts but redirect the user to different websites.

There are plenty of related post plugins you are able to choose from, but one of the best and efficient one I’ve come across can be described as yet another related posts plugin.


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