How to Check SEO Bulk Stats on a list of websites

The process of obtaining SEO information for websites can be a long and tedious process. Take a look at the amount of work it takes to find relevant information on one website. What happens if you try to look up more than one website and then? Maybe you’ll need details on a few dozen of your competitors. Perhaps your client is running a number of websites that they wish to be examined. Perhaps you’re collecting data on one of the largest 500 niche websites to create an infographic. Let me tell youthat gathering data on each one of them, one at a time is tedious, annoying and inefficient. There must be a better approach to do this, don’t you think? – Bulk Check Seo Stats
The answer, naturally to that question is “yes”. There are numerous large SEO tools on the market. The issue is that the majority of them test one aspect at a time. So your first step is to figure out what metrics you’re looking to measure. You can then find an instrument to measure the metrics in bulk. Here are a few of the most popular. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Alexa Ranking
The tool, which is on the appropriately called Bulk SEO Tools website, analyzes the Alexa global rank as well as the reach and three-month change amounts of the URLs that you connect to it. It is able to support more than 500 URLs at a search. This is all data you can find by checking manually Alexa and other search engines, but it’s quicker to perform this search in bulk here. After the search is completed the system will play an alert, if you select the option, given that it takes just a few minutes to complete the search on thousands of domains. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
The information will be displayed on a table within the page. It includes the characters in length of the domain name, the domain’s name, worldwide rank, the reach the change in rank, the country of origin and country rank, when it is applicable. There is also an export CSV button. A thing to keep in mind is that when you press submit for the first time, it won’t start; instead, it searches your list for duplicate entries and eliminates the duplicate entries. After that, you can click once more to begin the search. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Personally, I dislike Alexa rank. It’s not really a feasible or useful ranking for any kind of objective assessment. But if it’s something you’d like to keep track of then go ahead. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Basic On-Site SEO
The tool analyzes a variety of metrics and gives you an overview of each. They include page meta data such as meta tags, Alexa rank social statistics, image meta data H# tags sitemap, link tags, robots.txt and favicon’s presence. It also comes with an inbuilt captcha system built-in to assist in capturing information in the event that Google stops bot activity. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
There are two downsides for this tool. The second is it’s price. The second is that it’s not for free. A license will cost you $19, and comes with six months of support by the developer. The program is also only scans only ten URLs at one time If you have an extensive list of more than 100 sites to be checked it could be difficult to review all of them, only 1/10 of as much as taking it one at a time. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
If you have a particular website that you would like to conduct to conduct a thorough audit of then you could use it instead. It examines a variety of other SEO-related factors on the web that include descriptions, meta titles keywords, H1/H2 tags, image metadata data as well as robots meta data. and the Google Earth KML tag, canonicalization, stylesheets and scripts, favicons, meta data along with compression and stylesheet data. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
The reason I love this tool is because it doesn’t just give you details about how your website handles the various issues, but also provides an explanation of why these issues are essential. As an SEO, I have this data, however it’s also great to show a potential client who might not be up to speed. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Server Response Codes
This web-based tool is free and analyzes server response codes, such as such as 404, 301, and so on in a URL, when you connect it. It helps you determine whether a page is showing, whether there’s a redirect running or if other server codes that are throwing up errors. For example, plugging in “” shows me that there’s a 301 redirect on that URL to, the appropriate URL for this site. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
It is possible to use up to fifty URLs at once with the web tool, and possibly more if you decide to use the WordPress plugins on your own website, and link it to their blog post. The tool also includes an “download spreadsheet” button to download data in spreadsheet format. data once you’re finished.
The tool that is available here will provide you with the same data, but with a twist; it lets you choose the user agent that you would like to use to search. You can then pretend to use another browser perhaps a device that is different and determine if the web page is redirecting to different URLs depending on the your user agent. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Keyword Search Ranking
The tool lets you select the keyword you want to search for and execute the search on that keyword which it will pull the top ranked pages on your website for the keyword. It makes use of Google’s API, so it doesn’t have to be concerned about breaking captchas for search, and it’s also a lot quicker than manually doing it all. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
It’s an “bulk” instrument, however it only runs one URL at a time. The trick is that it performs a search at that URL for as many keywords you wish to add to the list. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Majestic FlowMetrics
Since the demise of PageRank and the slow decline that preceded it other metrics have started popping up as alternatives. One of the most effective metrics, having the biggest index of websites and the greatest benefit to SEOs of a fundamental level is those called Majestic metrics. They are Citation flow and trust Flow. They are usually available on Majestic the company, but it can be time-consuming to perform it manually. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
This tool analyzes each of the metrics and provides the most basic information about them, and shows you the graph of flowmetrics. For more information about the metrics you’ll have to click on the graph to open the Majestic site however, it’s not a good idea. It’s not a particularly reliable tool due to this. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Code Validation
Two of the things that can destroy an SEO rank, yet appear to be difficult to detect from afar, are ineffective bits of codes. HTML and CSS both require valid code for a search to rank well, but they’re able to work even in the case that the code is wrongly shaped or is adhering to obsolete guidelines.
The norm for validation is the W3C and their validater is slow as it is designed to test your own web pages in a single step. You can use two different tools available here that can be used, the one designed for HTML and another for CSS which you can use to test both kinds of code. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
A thing to keep in mind is that the HTML validater works with HTML, HTML5, and XHTML equally. There is no need to look for the appropriate collection of software for any. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
In the past, when I said that there were additional metrics that were popping up after PageRank was gone I didn’t include any of them. Majestic is one of them, and they’re great for link analysis tool, but there’s a serious rival. Moz is one of the SEO giant, has maintained the Domain Authority, Page Authority and MozRank metrics for a long period of. Therefore, they are extremely effective metrics, and they are the closest analog to PageRank we have. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
The tool is fascinating because it analyzes four parameters; Page Authority, Domain Authority, MozRank, and the total number of links that appear on the page. It makes use of the Moz API by itself to let you examine more than 200 URLs simultaneously. If you happen to possess an API key for yourself from Moz and you want to use it, simply add your details on the page and look at least 1,000 URLs simultaneously. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
The data you provide will be displayed along with names of the domain, Authority indicators, the number of backlinks back to you, the number of hyperlinks as well as MozRank. Of course, you can download the information as CSV. CSV. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
A different tool could be Moz Check. It also has the limit of 200 URLs at a time and a maximum of 3,000 monthly. It also requires you sign up for a user account, which could take more effort than you’d like to do. It’s your choice to choose which one you would prefer. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Domain Index Check
It’s a basic tool that just examines a URL to determine whether it’s indexed by Google or Bing and if it is not. It does not provide any additional information other beyond that, which is okay. It’s not intended to be used for SEO use , but it’s research to purchase domains that are no longer available. It is important to determine whether a domain has been deindexed prior to purchasing it, and at times you’re thinking about buying in bulk. This will help you make an informed decision. – Bulk Check Seo Stats
Another research tool that comes by the same team can be found in an alternative tool called the domain Age test. This tool examines domains based on their registration details. It will reveal the date of registration and the date of expiration as well as what is the address of the registry. If you’re considering purchasing your domain name, check the date it’s scheduled to drop and if it is not re-registered by the current owner using this Domain Expiration Checker in addition.
A checker that is similar, but not related to it, can be used to determine whether the domain’s name is listed in DMOZ as well as it is listed in the Open Directory. DMOZ listing is a basic SEO boost that many websites use, yet it is difficult to remember. Check whether your site is included on DMOZ this way. Like every other tool, you can check up to 500 sites simultaneously.
Social Media Shares
Monitoring Social indicators can be time-consuming when the user doesn’t connect the analytics APIs for the accounts that are involved. This tool can to speed up the process by capturing information and displaying it in a beautiful table, always accessible with CSV format. This tool displays domain names, Facebook shares, likes and comments, Google Plus shares, Twitter and Pinterest shares, LinkedIn shares, and StumbleUpon upvotes.
A thing to remember is that Twitter is not working. Twitter had removed the share number from their buttons a few years back, and this application utilized an open API to get the information. In the end, this tool reports zero on the Twitter column. If you’ve used this tool and find that it’s changed, please let me know, and I’ll inform you that it’s been modified.
Hosting Stats
There are two similar tools that I’m adding to this section. The first one is an WHOIS search tool which records details about the name of the domain WHOIS results. It will display the owner’s information, including the name address, address and registrar phone number, email address and much more. However, if the information is secured or the domain is controlled by a registration firm or squatter, the information will appear in the table instead of the actual owner’s details.
The other is the nameserver search tool. It’s not often that you’ll need to find the nameservers of hundreds of websites, however, in the event that you do come across the need you’ll see how useful it is to have a tool that can help you with the process.
Are there any other tools I haven’t used? It seems like I’ve covered most of the main large-scale searches you’d like to perform, excluding perhaps a thorough keyword analysis. I’m not convinced that you can automate the analysis of keywords across multiple websites very quickly, however; it usually requires the sanity check in order to avoid from duplicated or inefficient search results.
If you’ve got a favorite instrument that I did not list please inform me. I’ll look it up for you and determine if it can pass tests. Let me say this however I’m not using the tools for scraping content which allow you to make scrapes and spin content, or hyperlinks. They’re not to me and do not offer any benefits at all. I’m not going to add them to this article.