HomeCoronation StreetCoronation Street stars discuss killer Stephen Reid's next victim

Coronation Street stars discuss killer Stephen Reid’s next victim


I believe I ought to be a little concerned.

Stephen Reid from Coronation Street has established himself as the show’s current primary antagonist by trying to cheat his mother Audrey Roberts to solve his financial difficulties and then murdering Leo Thompkins when the latter found out about his scheme.

The question is: who will Stephen attack next? If the reign of terror ended there, it wouldn’t qualify as such.


According to actor Jack P Shepherd, “David already dislikes Stephen.” They have never agreed on anything because his uncle intended to take Sarah to Milan rather than him.

“Stephen has Audrey at the top of his hit list because he wants all of her money, but David is probably the next person Stephen will target. I believe I ought to be a little concerned.

“I was a little apprehensive because I’m on maternity leave, so I rushed right upstairs to meet the producers to make sure they weren’t going to write me out as one of Stephen’s victims,” said actress Julia Goulding of Shona.

It’s interesting that Julia doesn’t mention whether or not the writers intended to remove Shona.


Given that Stephen killed Leo, a non-Platt family member, perhaps his next victim will be someone else unlucky enough to learn of his plans and who isn’t related to the family in a way that would raise suspicion.

In the meantime, the soap opera has revealed a brand-new plot for Alya Nazir and Dee-Dee Bailey as they attempt to become major players in Weatherfield’s legal system.

Following her observation of Alya’s talent for the legal system, Dee-Dee will in forthcoming scenes offer Alya a position as a legal secretary.


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