During our Home And Away photo shoot, there is a lot of laughing emanating from the pool deck, most of it coming from the show’s newest cast members, Kirsty Marillier and Luke Van Os.
According to Kirsty, who plays policewoman Rose, “sometimes we can’t stop laughing between takes.”
I believe I have finally got him, and he now finds me to be hilarious.

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They each give the observation a nod.
Luke chuckles and explains, “We fight like siblings all the time, to the point that I have marks from whacking each other with tea towels between takes.”
I would not have it any other way; I adore Kirsty like a sister.
It’s been a tough learning curve for the actors since their on-screen debut in March. But they have enjoyed every second of it.
This year has been so exciting and rewarding, adds Kirsty.
“I feel like I’ve finally found my feet,” the person said after learning the lay of the land.

She continues by saying that her H&A co-stars have been a great help throughout.
I had numerous moments with Lynne McGranger, who plays Irene, in the show. She has been a constant source of inspiration for me; she always smiles and finds the good in everything.
Luke believes that playing a paramedic is a wonderful challenge and that he consulted his cousin, former H&A star Chris Hemsworth, for advice.
He explains, “I adore the action of a paramedic.” But Xander occasionally lets his emotions get the best of him!

Luke, a Melburnian, is keeping things in the kitchen away from the Bay because he’s there to assist with the Christmas roast.
He laughs and explains, “I normally spend the day making entirely too much food, napping in the afternoon, and then cooking more food.”
In the meantime, Kirsty is seeking the sun in her native Western Australia.
“For me, it’s all about Michael Bublé’s Christmas album, South African trifle, excursions to Cottesloe Beach, prawns, and all my aunties,” Kirsty says before mentioning the negative aspects of the holiday season: yastmastmastmastmasti ast [Laughs]