HomeHome and AwayHome and Away reveals Tex Wheeler's return scenes in 22 spoiler pictures

Home and Away reveals Tex Wheeler’s return scenes in 22 spoiler pictures


The whole set of images showcasing what will air on UK televisions starting on March 13 on Monday.

Monday, March 13: Cash is motivated to exact retribution.
When Eden and Felicity were both involved in the turmoil surrounding the vehicle tragedy, he seeks justice.

13th March Monday: Currency transgresses the law.
He has kept his plan, which involves first seeing Tex in jail, from his police colleagues at the station.


Monday, March 13: Cash identifies the person he is visiting.
He anticipates hearing back from Tex.

13th March, Monday: Cash is taking a big chance.
Cash’s interference might not be welcome because a formal task force is in charge of the biker gang issue.

On March 13th, Tex makes a comeback.
Since the majority of the biker gang’s members were prosecuted last year, he has been detained.

13th March Monday: Tex is cocky.
From behind bars, he has been making all the decisions.


Monday, March 13: Cash’s visit surprises Tex.
Tex hadn’t anticipated Cash’s approach to be so straightforward.

13th March Monday: Tex is cocky.
He intends to demand something from Cash in return for information.

March 13th, 2019: Cash might have other plans.
He’s hesitant to permit Tex to carry on with such activities.

Monday, March 13: Remi is still having difficulties.
In recent weeks, his life has been flipped completely upside down.


March 13th, 2019: Remi has a lot on his mind.
After Jacob’s passing, his relationship with Bree has completely collapsed. Regarding Eden, who is still in the hospital, Remi is also concerned.

On March 13th, Remi travels to Eden.
Ever since the vehicle accident, Eden has remained unconscious.

13th March Monday: For Remi, it’s a difficult moment.
Will Eden ever become awake?

Tuesday, March 14: Bree tells Rose something.
After her previous adventure with Jacob, she needs a companion.


March 14th, Tuesday: Bree is beginning to question the intensity of her love for Remi.
Will Rose provide any guidance?

March 14th, Tuesday: Tex is displeased with Cash.
Tex refuses to give any information concerning the cut brake lines on the bridal automobile.

Tuesday, March 14: Tex says too much in the end.
He divulges Eden’s name, establishing the motorcycle gang’s guilt for bugging the Parata home.

Tuesday, March 14: Retaliation ideas are driving the price of cash
He intends to eliminate the remaining biker gang members.


a.m. on March 15th: Cash receives unexpected news
Felicity was already released from the hospital following the collision, according to Irene.

On March 15th, Cash will go to Eden.
Eden’s condition hasn’t changed at all.

Wednesday, March 15: Cash is having trouble with the scenario.
He intended to confess his affections for Eden before the accident.

a.m. on March 15th: Cash worries he might never get the chance to express his feelings to Eden.
Regarding Eden’s future, there are currently no assurances.


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