Felicity is determined to demonstrate her renewed dedication to Tane on this week’s episode of Home and Away in Australia, and she pops the question on the sand. Tane may be prepared to continue where they left off, though.
In this week’s episodes, Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) attempts to put a difficult couple of months behind her by taking a risky step to declare her love for Tane once more (Ethan Browne).

Since the tragic car accident that occurred on what was supposed to be her and Tane’s wedding day and left closest friend Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) in a coma for several weeks, Flick had been going downhill.

Despite being fortunate to have survived the accident and the accompanying blaze with only minor injuries, Flick has continued to struggle with the trauma she went through. Flick turned to alcohol to assist with the recurrent flashbacks of being trapped in the burning car, pushing Tane away when he realised how she was handling it.

Moving to a caravan, Flick abruptly broke off their engagement by tossing Tane her wedding band.
Flick didn’t realise she needed to change until she attempted to elude Cash’s (Nicholas Cartwright) roadside breath test. As a result, she was charged with DUI.
Flick made the decision last week to confront the source of all of her mental health issues over the years by visiting her foster father Gary’s (Peter Phelps) farm for the first time since she was 16 years old.

The Newman children were taken up by Gary and his late wife Katherine when their father committed suicide when Flick was only 9 years old and their mother Jennifer had already passed away. Flick had rebelled against their relationship and left as soon as she was able to. Afraid of what she’d caused Gary to endure, she just recently allowed herself to see Gary again just before her wedding.

Flick appeared to be able to finally put her past to rest as Gary accompanied her to her parents’ graves.

According to Jacqui, “She was terrified of commitment because she didn’t want to be disappointed or hurt like she was when her father committed suicide.

“In her perspective, he simply departed after giving up. She wished to avoid going through that misery once more. But now that she has some understanding and closure regarding her father’s passing, she is prepared.
Gary was informed by Flick that there was another voice absent from the dialogue as they were speaking. Tane.

Flick was shocked when Tane showed up at the farm the following morning after leaving him a voicemail.

Flick finally acknowledged that she still loved him and wanted to make things right, despite her earlier attempts to dodge the subject. although they both understood it wouldn’t be simple.

This week, as Tane drives Flick back to Summer Bay, she is in a loving relationship once more. She acknowledges to Cash that she was mistaken when she previously claimed that individuals like them never experience happily-ever-afters after realising Tane is the man she was meant to be with.

Flick says, “For some reason, he still loves me. “I am aware of my good fortune, and I never want to lose it.”
Flick advises moving all of her belongings back to the Parata house from the caravan because she is eager to make up for the mistakes of the last several weeks.

Cash brings up the wedding as Tane and Cash unpack the car, but it’s obvious that Tane isn’t now thinking about getting married.
Tane is being cautious by not going too quickly, which is maybe not surprising given the tremors Flick experienced before to the anticipated nuptials.

He says, “I’m simply happy to see her back. That’s all I’m concerned with at the moment.
On the other hand, Flick is on the lookout for the engagement ring since she is keen to demonstrate her renewed dedication.

Flick says to Tane as they later stroll down the shore, “I don’t know what our future looks like. But I am aware that I desire our union.
When Flick then asks Tane to marry her while kneeling down with a ring box in hand, Tane is astounded.

Even though this is all Tane desires, he finds himself unable to speak for a little while because of Flick’s recent struggles with commitment.
Is Tane going to be able to accept?