HomeNeighbours SpoilersNeighbours star Kate Keltie shares 'incredible' update after stage four cancer diagnosis

Neighbours star Kate Keltie shares ‘incredible’ update after stage four cancer diagnosis


From 1999 until 2004, Kate Keltie portrayed Michelle Scully.

The battle against stage four cancer has received a “amazing” update from a former Neighbours actress. Between 1999 to 2004, Kate Keltie played Michelle Scully on the Australian soap opera. In November, she received a breast cancer diagnosis.

The actress, who played the sister of Carla Bonner’s character Steph and Holly Vallance’s Felicity, was just 36 years old. According to reports, Kate’s disease had spread to multiple different body areas.


Organizer Ebony Gilbert stated at the time on a gofundme website created to assist her during treatment: “Our precious Kate is going through the worst. Her breast cancer has recently been found to be in stage 4. The cancer has migrated to other parts of her body, including her lymph nodes, blood, and hip bones, and is quite aggressive (known as metastatic cancer).

She will stop having children in the future and lose her magnificent hair. For anyone to receive this news at age 36 and without a family history of breast cancer is heartbreaking. After that, Kate will need chemotherapy infusions every three weeks for the remainder of her life, along with perhaps needing radiotherapy and surgery.

On the gofundme page, Kate has since provided supporters with “great news.”

“I want to share some amazing news,” Kate added. My most recent scan findings were just sent to me, and I was informed that the sick areas had completely responded metabolically. I therefore appear to be cancer-free.


“To put it mildly, the past six months have been the most difficult of my life. My entire existence was turned upside down by the diagnosis, and I sincerely hope to never experience anything similar again.

“Without each and every one of you, I couldn’t have accomplished it. Your encouragement helped me a great deal at this dreadful period. I will always cherish it and feel very appreciative of it. I also want to thank my wonderful family, friends, and the outstanding Peter Mac team in Melbourne. You are amazing.

“Since my cancer spread via the blood stream, I will need to continue receiving monthly infusions for the rest of my life without experiencing any negative side effects. Moreover, surgery is not an option at this time. Life starts over.

“I’ll keep representing the Mothers Day Classic with pride. And I am really anticipating the March 31 event I will host for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. If you live nearby and would like to attend, tickets are available through EventBrite. A quick plug there 😉 I will keep helping the community in whatever way I can going forward since I am aware of how it feels to receive assistance just when you need it.



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