What You Need To Be aware of about Law Firm SEO ethics and State Laws

Don’t get your client in trouble. Uncertainty can harm your client.
As with other companies offering professional services, lawyers as well as law companies are also subject to certain limitations when it comes to the content they publish online. These restrictions dictate what is allowed and cannot be promoted or otherwise stated. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
The rules differ by state, which is why it is essential for anyone who designs websites or is an SEO professional to study the laws regarding advertising by attorneys in the state in which their clients are attorneys and follow the guidelines. There is more to this than adding an “This does not constitute any legal advise” disclaimer at the footer. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
Here are a few examples of the rules that govern law firm websites -They are by no not comprehensive. Also, you should consult the ethics guidelines for attorneys for the state(s) in which your client practice law to find the specific rules that apply on your customer. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
Legal Rules Concerning the Internet Law Advertising by a firm
First, web-based content, such as blogs, websites, advertisements on other websites as well as emails are generally regarded as “advertising” or “communications” concerning the lawyer’s work in accordance with the ethical guidelines of every state. In New Jersey, where our firm Sagapixel is located in, web-based content is subject to rules of professional conduct. rules of professional Conduct:
- RPC 7.1 governs communication about lawyers’ services;
- RPC 7.2 regulates advertising
- RPC 7.3 regulates personal contacts with potential clients.
- RPC 7.4 regulates communication in areas of practice and certification
- RPC 7.5 regulates the firm’s name and letterheads.
There is no false or misleading information or statements.
This rule is applied to attorneys all over the world in one form or another and goes beyond the prohibition of terms like “most” and “best,” as in “Ms. Attorney is the top bankruptcy lawyer.” That kind of thing is a glaring rule of thumb. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
For New Jersey, this rule is generally outlined in RPC 7.1 that prohibits or limits the following, in addition to:
Use of the terms “Expert” and “Specialist”
A lawyer’s field of practice as”specialty” or a “specialty” or claiming that an attorney is “expertise” is a very limited concept or even prohibited in the majority of states. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
In New Jersey, use of these words in advertisements for attorneys was prohibited unless the attorney was approved to be so by the Supreme Court of New Jersey or an authorized organization recognized by the American Bar Association, pursuant to RPC 7.1 and RPC 7.4. In 2018, however the Committee on Attorney Advertising changed the rules and allowed to use these words when an attorney has the qualifications, experience and education to be able to claim the title of “expert” or “specialist” in the field of practice that is claimed. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
Limited Use of Award Badges or Icons
The use of badges that represent an award or honor given from your client can be limited or prohibited. For instance the state of New Jersey, such a badge can be displayed on a website for attorneys only in the following circumstances: – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
- The honor was conferred following an investigation into the attorney’s health;
- The contrast between the honorable attorney and other lawyers is supported, legitimate and verifiable.
- An explanation of the vetting procedure for the award is available in addition;
- Name of the company which awards the award is made public;
- The disclaimer below is placed in the vicinity of the emblem “No element of this advertisement was accepted from the Supreme Court of New Jersey.” – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
False Law Firm Name or Domain Name
In certain states, names of law firms and domain names are restricted in content and, in many of them the states, they have to include the name of an attorney. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
Recently, in New Jersey, the Supreme Court determined that the domain name for a law firm could be different from the name of the law firm however, it must not be false or false or misleading. The firm’s homepage must contain:
- The name of the firm in full
- A valid street address of the business;
- The number of the company’s phone;
- Any disclaimers that are advisory must be adhered to by RPC 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5
So, when your client comes to you for a new website having purchased the domain name “Ialwaysprevail.com,” you will know how to advise.
Attorneys should also state the jurisdictions they practice on their homepage in the event that anyone not in those states visits the site. If you are in New Jersey, that is fraudulent advertising as it’s offering legal services within an unapproved location. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
Disclaimer on Representation, as well as legal Advice
This is a requirement that is universalattorneys must include an acknowledgement in their communications and advertisements that state that in communicating and advertising, they are not providing “legal counsel” and do not have created any “attorney-client relation.” – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
In these days of widespread social media, you’ll frequently see lawyers responding to legal questions on law forums and blogs through Twitter tweets, Twitter as well as posts posted on Facebook. This is a problem due to two reasons: – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
- The lawyer is not aware of the applicable law in the state of the poster or whether the poster is located in the United States.
- One could claim that this is creating the legal relationship of an attorney and client.
It’s easy for a poster to envision basing on the tweets of an attorney in the direction of the poster’s disadvantage and later suing the attorney over misconduct, claiming that the attorney provided legal advice and that there were attorney-client relationships. The poster might be able to make a valid argument. – What You Need To Know About Law Firm Seo Ethics And State Laws
Promising Client Success
As far as I know the law in all states prohibits attorneys from explicitly stating an outcome that is favorable in advertisements. For instance, in New Jersey, an attorney is also prohibited from suggesting that there is a positive outcome by citing successes in prior cases. If prior successful instances are listed on the site of the law firm and are with a statement that success isn’t assured.
Best Methods to Conduct on-line Law Company Advertising within New Jersey
Simply put, we inform our clients that any online content must be legal and accurate according to guidelines of the Rules of Professional Conduct. We also offer advice regarding the caveats and disclaimers mentioned above that apply to the clients’ blog and web copy content.
A client of an attorney will rarely be in breach, however in the context of customer service, we watch out for ethical violations and will provide advice accordingly. In the end, attorneys are responsible for ensuring the integrity of any communication with the public, and even the websites they run. To protect yourself be sure to determine whether this is the case within your own state.