Former EastEnders star Melissa Suffield has experienced real-life turmoil after sharing information of an injury she had at home.
Melissa, who portrayed Lucy Beale from 2004 to 2010, posted on her Instagram page that she had “BUSTED my ankle” after tripping over one of her son River’s toys. She claimed that it was challenging for her to bear weight on her injured and “a little numb” ankle.
The accident happened yesterday, but Melissa opted to wait and see if things got better by this morning since there were no cabs available and the nearby X-ray facility was closed.
However, she reported minimal improvement today, so she made the decision to visit the hospital to have the injury evaluated.

Melissa was fortunate not to break any bones and was sent home. So simply RICE, she explained, and keep it particularly cool in this heat since it is still MASSIVELY swelled. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, or RICE, is the usual recommendation for that kind of injury.
She praised the NHS facility where she was treated, stating that she was checked in, assessed for minor injuries, had an X-ray taken, was seen for minor injuries once more, and was then released in less than an hour. Excellent work in every way.

Melissa has a plan for the remainder of the afternoon that we can all support:
She exclaims, “Time to get in the wading pool and keep that ankle cool!”
Just be careful not to step on any small plastic boats or rubber ducks.