HomeSEO302 Redirect Vs 301

302 Redirect Vs 301


301 vs 302 Redirect – How It Affects the SEO of the Ranking Website

302 Redirect Vs 301
302 Redirect Vs 301

There are nearly 1 . billion web sites and just 200 million are currently active. The activation and deactivation of sites can affect the traffic on websites. This is where the idea of redirection comes into play. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

The concept behind website redirection is simple When a user hits your site it automatically redirects them to another site.


This happens due to a reason it could be that you’ve deleted the older website, or you’ve merged the websites. This can happen when you redesign your site. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

What is the process by which these users are getting directed to other pages? The website uses redirects to direct traffic to various pages. These redirects could have an immediate and profound effect on the search engine ranking of a site.


There are five kinds of redirects. However, here we’ll focus on the two most common kinds. I’ll go into the details and the differences between these redirects.

1. 301 vs 302 Redirect

Every SEO experts have had the opportunity to hear about ” link juice.” It’s the term used to describe the value transferred between pages. – 302 Redirect Vs 301



This is the moment where redirects take on a greater significance. Do you want to preserve the flow of visitors to your site? If yes, then you need select the correct redirect in order to achieve this.

The importance and quality of each redirect is crucial in determining the rank or its value. Which one can make an impact? And which one is most efficient?



I’ll explain the differences between two main redirects as well as their usage for specific situations. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

301 Redirect

The redirects 301 are also referred to as permanent relocated redirects. This is a redirect which can be distributed and carried equally.

This redirect can be used to notify users that content has been permanently relocated to a new location. This is typically used when the domain name of the website has been completely altered or employed to notify users that you are using a content management system (CMS) or the structure of URLs has been altered.

For instance, you could have a website called A. You have now transferred all of your content onto website B. By using 301 redirects, you will inform search engines that your content has moved from A to. They will then be able to change their ranking value signals to another destination. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

302 Redirect

They are referred to by the name of “Found” redirects and are frequently described as an interim move. – 302 Redirect Vs 301


This is due to the fact that a redirect is not able to pass or transfer the link to another place. Instead, it’s used for directing users to a more appropriate site, rather than trying to find the wrong URL or an unresponsive page.

If it isn’t making an effect on SEO rankings Why should an SEO professional should be concerned about it? In fact, it’s the most efficient option for eCommerce websites.

Imagine that you had run out of a particular product. Then you would use the 302 redirect to take customers to other pages that have similar products or to the category page. It will notify search engines that your item is unavailable for a time, preserving your site’s rank. – 302 Redirect Vs 301


Be cautious A wrong link or redirecting you to an unsuitable site could be disastrous for you.

2. Effects of 301 Redirects on SEO

The redirect 301 is the most efficient for ranking your site. This is due to the fact that when you use a 301 redirect it indicates the permanent change of the page. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

Search engines are able to remove the old link from their index, and the link’s value is transferred over to the brand new link.

The movement of URLs from one location to the next is something that search engines are able to be able to observe. This is why the 301 redirects directly impact SEO rankings. – 302 Redirect Vs 301


Let’s look at this bit more closely.


With regards to indexation, 301 redirects have the greatest impact on SEO rankings. When you move your site to a different URL Google will keep only one of the URLs that is indexed. That is usually the one that’s new.

That is, when you make a 301 redirecting from the old HTML page to a brand new page, Google will index the new page and not index the old one. However, confusion may be created in the event that Google displays both of these URLs.

The result could be the older website losing all its rankings , and the more recent one experiencing an increase in bounce rates. The battle between the old and the new could have a negative effect upon SEO rankings. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

These redirects boost the SEO rank of a page. They transfer nearly 90% of the equity in the link from the page that was redirected. When a user clicks an older link the search engine will open the link that was previously opened and moves this link onto the latest.

Imagine that you tried to access the website but you saw an error message instead, which wouldn’t be a great UX (UX). This is why redirects to 301 are important to improve SEO. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

3. Effects of 302 Redirects on SEO

The majority of people agree that 302 redirects don’t not affect the SEO rank. It is true, but it is worthy of some clarification.

When a redirect of 302 is chosen, it means that the web address for the page is unchanged and that the modifications are only temporary. Thus, Google doesn’t take it into consideration an error, and the rank is kept.

What’s the issue? The issue arises when users do not understand the distinction between these redirects and they mistakenly select 302 redirects to permanently move the site. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

While we’ve found that 302 redirects do not directly enhance SEO however, they do provide benefits.

302 Improves UX

The most irritating aspect for anyone is when a website’s link is not working. As a webmaster you must stay clear of this at all times since it can have negative effects on your SEO rank. – 302 Redirect Vs 301

In this case the 302 redirect can be thought to be the most effective option: for eCommerce companies, it directs customers to products that are similar (you may even specify the date that the out of stock product will become available). This could increase or even sustain web traffic. You could also look into a content marketing strategy by directing visitors to relevant, specific information.

4. Why Do Search Engines Care?

In the majority of cases traffic patterns stay the same. The only influence these redirects make is temporary vs permanent. What about search engines? What are the reasons they should be concerned?

The number of sites is staggering and the war on rankings is continuing. Google is the one that’s most focused on giving the right ranking to each website based on the extent to which they satisfy the requirements of their users. For instance, if you run an online shop some of the factors that search engines take into consideration when determining the ranking of your site are:

  • eCommerce website design
  • traffic
  • Rate of bounce
  • Backlinks that are qualitative
  • redirects

Naturally, search engines don’t want to rank websites which aren’t active anymore. This is why they examine redirects. Websites that have were 301-based are now considered to be inactive.

Wrapping It Up

There are a lot of sites out there, and the number always increasing, and maintaining your site’s rank is becoming more challenging. This makes the proper use of redirects extremely important.

The incorrect or improper the use of redirects could be harmful to your site, therefore I would like to ensure that you know the difference about 301 and 302 redirects.

Both are suitable and efficient – you only must determine the outcome you’re hoping to achieve with your redirect.

This effort is to ensure your website’s standing in the race of digital. If your website falls in rankings even just once it will be difficult to re-build.



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