How to Use a Content Audit to Update Your Blog and Boost Your SEO

The mainstay of many companies using search engine optimization (SEO) strategies is to have a solid and regularly updated blog. A majority of businesses hire copywriters to create blog posts that cover a range of topics that are relevant to their business (and important to clients) in the course in their SEO strategy. Blogs provide a chance to optimize their site for a broad selection of particular keywords and also boost their credibility. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
There comes a point at which the regular (or regular) posts become overly cluttered and no longer add value to the overall campaign. In reality, many businesses that have been practicing SEO (and/or blogging) for a long time are unable to capitalize of their full potential because their blogs have become heavy.
Fortunately, with the help of an audit of content and a strategy to streamline your workflow and make the most of your content and set your self up for a brighter future.
Why Excessive Blog Content Works Against You
You may be thinking about whether content can be an issue. In the end, every blog post can add value to your website. However, over time, with the number of posts you have it will be devalued in several ways: – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Content that is outdated. Obsolete or outdated content could be detrimental to your business by providing readers with inaccurate information. It may also sit in a type of blogging purgatory when it’s no longer relevant. for instance, “The Best Apps to Look Forward to in 2015” might be a wonderful piece of content by itself however, nobody will spend the time to search for it. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Content created using less or other standard. If you’re like the majority of search engine optimizers and bloggers you’ve seen your standards increase in time and you’ve become more proficient in your blogging. Your initial blog articles may have been inadequate and had low words, minimal focus on article structure and no (if any) keywords strategy to guide your content selections. Re-reading those posts and bringing them current is definitely a much better option rather than leaving them in their current state and hoping to provide some slight benefit to your website. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Uncomplicated Navigation. Generally speaking, websites work better and keep visitors happy when they’re simple and have fewer URLs, less posts, and less places for users to lose themselves. If you have 1000 URLs from your old blog posts, you can virtually ensure that no one will visit them all which means that the majority (or the majority) of them are just dead weight. It’s better to reduce those URLs down to a minimum of 100 or even 50, and then maximizing the value of those URLs that are left.
- Cannibalization, redundancy. If one of your main goals is to get more visitors from search engines, what’s the purpose in the event that you have four posts competing for the exact same query on Google? It’s better to mix the four similar articles into one piece of content that is more likely to rank one, or alter the target of three of these articles so that they be found in other less popular terms. It’s not a good idea to duplicate the traffic you’ve already generated through your search engine.
Conducting a Content Audit
How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo – The first step in addressing the issue is conducting an audit of the content that can help you identify what posts are generating results and which ones are not performing as well. Utilizing Google Analytics, Google Search Console or any other analytics tools you’d like to utilize, you can create an online sitemap, and then analyze the blog posts you have written for the performance metrics, such as:
- Traffic from organic and referrers. Organic traffic is a measurement of how many visits you’ve generated through user search results, while referral traffic measures your amount of visitors coming via external hyperlinks. Both are indirect indicators of the visibility of your blog and direct indicators of the impact it has on your readers. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Google’s ranking. You can use report on the ranking of your search engine to assess not just the performance of each blog post but also whether the post’s rankings hinder the potential for ranking of other posts.
- The metrics of user behavior. It’s also worth studying user behavior in relation to specific articles. Are there any online pieces that are higher in conversion than other? What is the amount of time that readers spend on this site? – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
Mark any posts that do not seem to be performing as well and also posts that compete for the same keywords and subjects which appear to be outdated. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
Trimming and Refitting
Some posts face no other chance of being removed, but the majority of your posts ought to have the potential to be reused. Posts that are gaining no traction or that no longer have relevance to your business should be removed. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
If you think that other posts look to have the potential of being a good subject, well-written content as well as appeal to target audience, you can put them aside. Three ways that you can revive these posts with the potential to be highly influential: – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Updating. The simplest and fastest option, and is the most efficient option for articles which are just outdated. For example, if , for instance, you posted a blog post on”the “Future of Content Streaming Services” in 2010 you’ll likely have a lot of information to learn about. Particularly old posts, such as “The Safest Cars of 2014” aren’t easy to make up, but most older posts must be rechecked and re-evaluated. If you’ve got prediction posts as well as analysis pieces that aren’t aging well, such as a post on the fact that the industry of superheroes is dead, dating back to 2008, the most effective strategy is to remove the posts. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Extension. If an older article is a bit thin or isn’t comprehensive enough for it to stand it’s own, expand it. You can add more facts, examples, and other kinds of content such as images and videos to help flesh it out. Based on the subject it is possible to add additional sections too. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
- Reorganization and Combination. This is the most laborious method, but ultimately , it’s the most profitable. The idea is to select different posts on similar subjects, and then weave them into a bigger and more complete article. For instance, if there are individual posts about “How to Learn Scales on Guitar,” “The 7 Most Important Guitar Scales,” and “Exercises for Mastering Scales as a New Guitar Player,” you could blend them into one deep, comprehensive article. In order to do this, you’ll need take some time editing your content, eliminating redundant material and adjusting the language to ensure that your content flows smoothly together. After you’re done, are able to choose a title which best suits the subject and then begin to dominate the rankings for the keyword you’ve chosen.
Re-conceptualizing Your Strategy
This is also an excellent opportunity to reconsider the overall plan. What keywords and phrases are the most important ones for you to focus on? What type of blog categories do you intend to create? What length of your posts will they be in the future ? And what frequency will you plan to update them? Be aware that quality matters more than quantity in the present and it’s more beneficial to be armed with a few words to target and create amazing articles regularly than to try to cover all kinds of subjects by publishing new content every day. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo
When your navigation on your website is more organized and your blog is more specific, and your poorly performing articles are cleaned up and put back together, your website’s performance will improve drastically. If you take these new standards into the future it is likely that you will see ongoing gains for the near future. – How To Use A Content Audit To Update Your Blog And Boost Your Seo