How to optimize your mobile website experience to increase conversions

This is the percent of internet users who browse the internet using the phone. With those odds you can be sure that a substantial portion of potential customers are visiting your site via a 480px display. If you’ve left your Mobile version of your site not formatted, or stripped it in terms of information, or do not have one, you’re not converting half of your visitors to your website. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
It is possible to think that optimizing your site for mobile users requires as much effort as creating a completely separate site. But in reality there are many methods to make your website more mobile-friendly. Here are a few suggestions and tricks to create an mobile-friendly version of your website that is able to convert.
It is the Need for Speed
Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions – Speed is the most important aspect of creating an effective mobile website – and this isn’t just because visitors are more likely to leave a site that is taking more than three minutes to open. Slow-loading websites have an increased bounce rate as users don’t engage with your content as often as they ought to and may not go to different pages of your site (like the contact page or check out page).
Ideally, you would like your site to load in a matter of second or less. There are plenty of methods to speed up the loading time of your website, but we’ll focus on the methods that give your site the greatest boost: – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
1. Compress the Resource-Heavy Files
- Images are vital to the design process however when they are left in their uncompressed form reduces the speed of your site. There are a variety of plugins that compress images in the backend. Alternatively, you can opt for the old-fashioned method and reduce your images to a manageable size using an image editor prior to uploading. Either method is viable. The objective is to make videos and images consume as little space as is possible without sacrificing the quality how they appear on the web page.
- It’s easy to forget HTML, CSS and JavaScript code when using a page creator. These files are often filled with inactive or empty lines that can slow the speed of your website. We suggest using a plugin such as WP Rocket, which will minimize these files at the press of an icon. You can also check the code for yourself. Do you see any unfilled lines? The removal of those lines will not affect the overall appearance of your site and will remove some clutter which will give your site’s performance an increase. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
2. You should think about using Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)
The focus of AMPs is speeds and making data simple for readers to absorb. This AMP plugin was initially developed by Google to provide users with the best experience when they visit mobile websites. A AMP variant of your webpage is simply the stripped-down HTML version of the original page. The result? A website that is lightning fast and has a higher chance of being converted. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
Responsive Design
If you’re using WordPress to create a website it is likely that you have created a theme to manage the appearance of your site. The problem is that all themes are not made in the same way.
One area in which some concepts fall short is a absence of responsive design. Responsive design arranges information and elements of design in the most effective way possible for a variety different screen size. The best part when you have a theme that has this feature built-in is that it happens by itself, using CSS properties integrated into the theme’s style sheet. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
Optimizing your website for mobile users will be easier by selecting themes that have an integrated responsive design. If your current theme does not provide this feature the following list of 14 mobile-friendly WordPress themes is a good starting point to start searching to find one that has.
Use and Touch
The users who visit your mobile site are likely to navigate through every page by using their thumbs. It might be a bit silly to mention this however keeping this information in mind can help you develop a better mobile website. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
- the thumb area: The article on the way we use our devices describes the “thumb” zone as being the region where your thumb can move across the screen with greater precision. The bottom and top sections of the page aren’t the most comfortable areas to reach out for on smartphones. Web designers must ensure that it’s best to put elements that convert – things we’d like them touch in locations that make it the most convenient for users to access them.
- “Click” interaction: When using a mobile device users are able to perform two actions swipe to scroll the page down and gentle taps to interact the element. There aren’t animations or color-changing effects on hover to let users know that something can be clicked. Since we’ve lost this element that we’ve lost, we must fill in the gap with other methods. If something can be clicked on the page, it has to appear more like an icon on mobile. Alternately, you can put buttons beneath items that don’t appear to be clickable, so that you can direct users to proceed. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
Have you ever seen an ad when you visited an online site on your smartphone which you couldn’t close? The “x” appeared too tiny or was a bit out of sight and was not able to be clicked on. This is a common issue with popups that appear on mobile sites.
The solution is straightforward In the event that you’re using pop-ups for your mobile website, ensure that you have them formatted and test them. The same principles apply to buttons and forms. It’s crucial that pop-ups on mobile devices are correctly size. The final thing you would like is for a person who is looking to convert to do that by your website. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
Keep Simple Content
1. Create a Clear Path
When you visit a desktop version of an online site, it’s typical to have a menu within the header which shows the link to every important page. Mobile users have the option typically by pressing the toggle button which opens the menu into view. This is one method to ensure that visitors can easily move between homepages of importance however there are many other methods web designers can direct them to the page we would like them to be on pages that are converting. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
For instance, many eCommerce websites have cart icons next to their menu. The cart is placed in the center of the page and makes it simple for customers to locate and purchase. Websites selling services could employ a contact form instead. This is not just a way to further the goal of converting customers into customers but also also helps achieve the goals of the customer as well by making it easier for them to locate what they’re looking for. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
2. Be the Leader with What’s Important
The aim is to create conversions on your website. take that into consideration when you design your mobile version. It’s a smaller space and you shouldn’t waste space with information or pages that don’t typically result in conversions. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
If you’re on a desktop website it’s possible to fit three columns of content without sacrificing design. If you’re on a mobile website it’s likely that you’re only able to use one- and two-column designs. Many users don’t scroll down the page. It’s the reason it’s essential for calls to action (CTAs) and the opportunities that allow users to act are available at the top of the page.
3. Don’t take the site down.
Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions – Inspiring users with information that calls for actions doesn’t mean that everything else needs to be taken away. Web developers are often enticed to take down its mobile-friendly version website completely, leaving just some of the information accessible to users on their desktop versions. This isn’t a good idea. In July of 2019, Google announced mobile-first indexing which means that Google will consider an app on your mobile site first to determine the search result ranking.
The month of March in 2021 is the date Google will introduce mobile-first indexing for all sites. If you do not include vital details off your mobile site and you risk compromising your SEO strategy overall.
How do you include this information and still create an easy-to-read, mobile-friendly site? The solution is simple change the order. The information should be moved to pages which aren’t prominently displayed or add buttons and links to allow users to reach it, and even reduce to a desktop-friendly version, if needed to. Make sure you don’t let it on your mobile website out in the frigid winter weather without a jacket. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
Don’t lose half of your Conversions
Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions – Mobile usage has already exceeded desktop usage, and continues to increase each year. The best method to ensure that you attract customers’ attention is to make sure that your mobile site makes the process easy. – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions
Did you remember that 51.5 percentage of people we talked about earlier? It’s still in the wild. The question is, can you use this opportunity to change them? – Optimize Website Mobile Experience For Conversions