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Optimizing Amazon Product Listing


A How-To Guide on Optimizing Your Product Listing for Supplement Brands on Amazon

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing
Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

According to a new report from the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness and health industry is worth a staggering 595 trillion U.S. dollars. The beauty, personal care and anti-aging market makes $1.083 billion and the nutrition, health, and weight loss market is valued at $702 billion. These are two of the components of the huge pie that makes up the wellness and health industry in general. Supplements are a part of both of these sectors and are fast becoming the most popular products sold in the marketplace. More than ever, it’s the perfect time to launch an online business that sells supplements. This blog will provide valuable tips on taking your business selling supplements on eCommerce to the next level by the optimization of your product listing.

What Is Listing Optimization on Amazon, and Why Should I Care?

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Let’s begin by defining what is meant by optimizing for your Amazon listing. Optimization in Amazon can be described as the method of improving your product’s page to improve sales, visibility and CTR (CTR) for your product. In this article, you’ll be taught five essential steps to improve the performance of your product page. The efforts you make to improve your product will show up on the page that details the product.


Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Once you’ve mastered how to optimize your listing on Amazon and what it does, let’s talk about what is the meaning of using keywords. Before a potential buyer will be able to make a purchase they have to be able to locate your item. ” Optimize your product discoverability,” an article published by Amazon Advertising, notes that keywords “are associated with details like the your title and description which you offer for your product. By providing accurate and comprehensive details for your product you can boost the visibility of your product and increase the sales.” In terms of how, keywords assist in making your product searchable.

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Keywords are the words that shoppers enter into Amazon search bar to find an item. For instance, let’s say I’m seeking an oblong pair of glasses for women that block blue light. If you type into “glasses,” in Amazon Search bar “glasses,” there will be a number of options which will result (as illustrated in the screenshot below) an extensive search. However, this broad search will not bring me the item I’m looking for. Relevance of keywords is crucial when you think about the context in which searches could bring up your product. When I search for “round blue light glasses for women,” I am presented with the particular product in my mind. If you do not incorporate these keywords in your description your product won’t be found in searches and customers who are interested in purchasing it would not be able to find your product’s detail page. According to a new report of the Global Wellness Institute, the health and wellness sector is worth a staggering 595 trillion U.S. dollars. The beauty, personal care and anti-aging market has a value of $1,083 billion and the nutrition, healthy eating and weight loss market is with $702 billion worth. These are only two parts of a huge pie that makes up the wellness and health industry in general. Supplements fall into these two areas and are fast becoming the most popular products sold in the marketplace. Today, more than ever, it’s an ideal time to start an online retailer selling supplements. This blog will provide valuable tips on taking your supplement company on the next level with optimizing your product listings.


What Is Listing Optimization on Amazon, and Why Should I Care?

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – We must first define what is meant by optimizing for your Amazon listing. Optimizing your listing in Amazon refers to the procedure of enhancing your product’s page to improve visibility, sales , and the CTR (CTR) that your listings receive. In this article, you’ll discover five steps that will help you improve your listing. The efforts you make to improve your product will show up on the page that details the product.

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Once you’ve mastered the importance of listing optimization on Amazon Let’s look at what is the meaning of using keywords. Before a potential purchaser is able to purchase, they need to locate your item. “Optimize your product discoverability,” an article published by Amazon Advertising, notes that keywords “are associated with details like the your title and description which you give for your product. By providing accurate and comprehensive details about your product, you can boost the visibility of your product and increase revenue.” In terms of keywords, they aid in making your product more discoverable.


Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Keywords are words people input into Amazon search bar to find the product they are looking for. Let’s say I’m searching for women’s round blue-light-blocking glasses. If you type into “glasses” in the Amazon Search bar “glasses,” there will be a list of possible options which will result (as as shown in the image below) the broad search that doesn’t yield the item I’m looking for. Relevance to keywords is essential when considering the context for searches that might bring your products to the forefront. If I type in “round blue light glasses for women,” I am presented with the particular product in my mind. If you don’t include the keywords mentioned in your description, the item will not show up on the search page and potential buyers would never be able to locate your product’s details page.

A brief summary of Amazon keywords best practices:

  • Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Include the main keywords first in your text.
  • Make sure that your keywords are specific. Keywords which are broad could stop your intended customers from being able to find your website.
  • Every relevant thing should be listed within the bounds of reason. Don’t keyword stuff!
  • Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Use high-volume keywords that are highly relevant in the title, as well as bullet points that use the natural language.

When it comes down to keywords It is essential to understand your target market. Take the time to understand your consumers their needs, ideas, and desires, and then put the ideas into phrases and words that connect your target audience with your products. This is known as creating a buyer’s persona. This will enable you to learn about your customers and what they might perceive the product they are looking to find it on Amazon. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

Where To Begin?

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – One of the most overlooked steps in optimizing your business is to collect baseline data, that provides historical references and monitors the rate of growth. The baseline data you collect should consist of the most recent 30-60 days of page views, sales units, sessions, and the percentage of sessions per unit (conversion percentage). The baseline data can allow you to assess the rate of growth in your account dependent on changes to your listing. It will allow you to monitor changes and determine which aspects of your optimization have been successful so that you can replicate the strategies for the next listing of your product or improvement.


Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Retail readiness is essential for the performance of your listing optimization. Make sure that you’re comfortable with your listing and that you have clearly defined goals whether that’s increasing sessions, clicks or sales. Set goals to enable you to define your success based on the actions you’ve taken to enhance performance of the listing as well as the your brand’s experiences on Amazon.

5-Step Amazon Listing Optimization Methodology

1. Curating the Perfect Title

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – According to the old saying, “you only have one chance to make a good first impression.” This phrase can be applied directly to improving your title. The title should include branding as well as keywords, and yet be easy to be easy for readers to comprehend. When you are promoting supplements there are a few points to be aware of. The title of your listing should highlight the advantages of the product. This will instantly attract the prospective client. Every word in the title of your listing is searchable by itself. For instance, the image below displays an image with a title that reads Banana. The title says nothing about the product, and could dissuade customers since it’s false. After optimizing the title might be “Nutritionally Complete Keto Banana Shake Meal Replacement.” The new title is updated with key words, pertinent details and highlights the flavor profile, and also reveals the benefits. The general rule is that your title should be a reflection of what’s on the packaging of the product.

2. Images That Reflect Your Brand

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – A picture can be worth 1000 words. The images you pick for your listing should be those that illustrate the use of the product, display its dimensions, texture, and color and also imprint your brand on the buyer. The images you choose should be professionally designed and edited to reflect the brand of the item you are selling. The primary image should be a single photo of the product against white background. If it’s appropriate you can include a videos in the listing of the item. A video can enhance the customer’s shopping experience.

A great image should:

  • Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Respond to frequently-asked questions (FAQs) and include a few words within the image
  • Serve multiple purposes
  • Use the product
  • Show the size and dimension
  • Show images of lifestyles Who the ideal customer is.
  • Display appropriate use
  • Define taste and smell

What to stay clear of:

  • Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Images that don’t have an unflushed white background are not compatible with the rest of Amazon’s specific page format. It is crucial to ensure that the background color of an image is the same as the color of the image background on Amazon. So it appears natural and natural on Amazon.
  • Images that are overcrowded cause noise

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Below is the description for the KitchenAid pan. The listing lists the size as well as the dimension, size, suggested use, and includes an instructional video. The first image is simply the item with white background. This KitchenAid listing of products checks every box for the type of images to include. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

2. Images That Reflect Your Brand

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – A picture can be worth 1000 words. The images you select for your listing should be those that illustrate how to use the product, demonstrate its size, texture, and color and also imprint your brand on the customer. The images you choose should be professionally edited to reflect the brand of the product in question. The primary image should be a single image of the item on white background. If it’s appropriate to include video on the product’s listing. A video can enhance the customer’s shopping experience.

A well-designed image can:

  • Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Provide answers to commonly asked queries (FAQs) and may even include a text message within the image
  • Serve more than one function
  • Display the product used
  • Size and dimension are revealed
  • Display images of lifestyles Who the ideal customer is
  • Display the recommended use
  • Give a description of smell and taste

What should you steer away from:

  • Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Images that don’t have a white background that is flushed match the rest of Amazon’s specific page format. It is vital to make sure that the background color of the image is identical to the background color background on Amazon. So it appears natural and natural on Amazon.
  • images that appear over busy or make noise

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Below is the description for the KitchenAid pan. The listing lists the dimensions of the pan, its dimensions, and recommended use, as well as an instructional video. The first image shows the pan on white background. It is a good example of how the KitchenAid product listing ticks all the boxes of the type of images to include.

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Below is a Lite aid list below provides an illustration inadequate product listing images. The listing provides only one image and is missing the chance to offer valuable information. The images don’t display the dimensions or size recommended for use, or divulge any specifics about the product.

3. Laser-Focused Bullet Points

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – Bullet points provide you with the chance to distinguish your listing’s supplement and your competition. Amazon defines bullet points in the context of “key product features,” that can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful listing. your listing. To make sure that you are maximizing the potential bullet points can provide, here are five points to keep an eye on when designing bullet points for your listing. –


Bullet points provide you with the chance to distinguish your listing’s supplement and your competition. Amazon defines bullet points in the context of “key product features,” that can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful listing. your listing. To make sure that you are maximizing the potential bullet points can provide, here are five points to keep an eye on when designing bullet points for your listing.

  • Name the key ingredients. Highlight the ingredients customers in your targeted market are searching for. It can be as simple as highlighting specific ingredients like ginger or the taro root, vegan ingredients as well as gluten-free, non GMO or 100% USD-certified organic ingredients. These attributes also offer the opportunity to utilize terms and keywords that match with the product. Check out in the fifth and fourth bullets below. 3. Laser-Focused Bullet Points Bullet points can be your chance to differentiate your supplement listing and your competition. Amazon defines bullets as “key product features,” that can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful listing. your listing. To ensure you’re taking advantage of the opportunities bullet points offer, here are five points to keep an eye on when designing bullets on your page.
    • Highlight the key ingredients. Highlight the ingredients consumers who are your customers are searching for. This could include highlighting certain ingredients like the taro or ginger vegan, gluten-free, vegan non-GMO, 100 percent USDA-certified organic components. These attributes also offer the opportunity to utilize words and keywords that are compatible with your product’s. Look over four and five bullets below. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing
    • Be sure to focus on the credibility. There are a lot of products that make unsubstantiated statements, which could cause your listing to be snuffed out eventually. For supplements, this includes the claims made by a company that aren’t supported by research, doctors, or medical experts. Make sure you include one paragraph (or 2) to establish credibility for your customers. It can go a long way in distinguishing your products from competitors on the market. It is a good idea to look up the items that Amazon is deemed to be illegal claims.
    • Make sure you highlight the advantages. Supplements are considered to be niche products and offer distinct benefits based upon the item. Make sure the benefits are highlighted to ensure that when a potential customer is looking on Amazon for a product you provide, they’ll pick yours. This is a great chance to add relevant and specific keywords relevant to the product. describe the advantages and features.
    • Utilize all features that are available. Remember that it is always recommended to utilize the 5 bullets. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing
    • Guarantees. When it is about supplements, many doubt the effectiveness that the supplement provides. Having a satisfaction-guaranteed promise in your bullet points will build first-time customer confidence.
    • Here’s an example of outstanding product bullet points by the company Viva Naturals. The bullets focus on the ingredients, dietary requirements as well as taste U.S.A. manufacturing, and even an assurance of satisfaction to build trust with customers. The bullet points are brief and direct. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing
      • Be sure to focus on trustworthiness. There are a lot of products with unsubstantiated statements, which could result in your listings being snuffed out eventually. When it comes to supplements, it is the claims which are not supported by research, doctors, or medical experts. Make sure you include one bullet (or at least two) to establish credibility for your customers. It can go a long way in distinguishing your product from your competitors. It is a good idea to know the items that Amazon is deemed to be not allowed claims.
      • Highlight the advantages. Supplements are specialized products and offer distinct advantages based upon the item. Make sure you list the benefits to ensure that when a potential customer is looking on Amazon to find a product you sell, they’ll pick yours. This is a great chance to use relevant and precise terms relevant to the product. describe the benefits and the features.
      • Make the most of the features available. Remember that it is best to follow the 5 bullets. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing
      • Guarantees. In the case of supplements, consumers doubt the effectiveness that the supplement provides. Having a satisfaction-guaranteed promise in your bullet points will build first-time customer confidence.
    • Here’s an example of outstanding product bullet points by the company Viva Naturals. The bullets focus on the ingredients, the dietary requirements as well as taste U.S.A. manufacturing, and even the satisfaction guarantee that helps increase customer confidence. The bullet points are concise and direct.

This is an instance of bullet points that could use some improvements. As you can see, the bullets include no descriptions, but only important terms and phrases. In the event that Wellm ofollowed these instructions above for optimizing the bullets in your listings The brand could be able to market its product better to consumers. The label should contain the ingredients, benefits, nutritional factors, flavor and a guarantee of satisfaction. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

4. Descriptions With a Purpose

The final step in the optimization of your supplement’s product is to write a description. Here are five suggestions to help you write the perfect description that distinguishes you from your competition: – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

  • Concentrate on selling the products’ benefits that aren’t mentioned in your bullet points instead of promoting attributes.
  • Make sure you are selling what the ingredients are instead of simply listing the ingredients. For instance, if your products are all vegan, make sure you highlight that it’s vegan-friendly. Being a vegan-friendly product can be an attractive selling point for certain clients. If your ingredients are organic, gluten-free, or manufactured from the U.S.A. Make sure to mention these aspects.
  • Formatting is crucial. When you write a description, it should follow HTML formatting.
  • Keep things brief and concise. A clear and precise description will make the content more easy to comprehend and memorable. The excess of information is a distraction for the viewer. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing
  • Introduce HTML tags in your description of the product. The use of HTML can enhance the description and enable prospective buyers to see the details of it standout. Incorporating an HTML tag can also break up the description, avoiding an overly cluttered description. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

Below is a product description that is in need of improvement. It’s too brief and leaves out important details. The description doesn’t utilize the chance to highlight the advantages of the product and distinguishing features.

Below is a photo of a product’s description from the company Nature’s Food. It explains the reason of the product’s creation and what makes it valuable and the reason for its existence. They build trust and credibility by explaining to the consumer the development and testing process which ensures the product is the highest standards. The ingredients listed create the illusion of transparency, and could be factors that draw a buyer seeking these specific ingredients. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

5. Understanding A+ Content

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – A+ Content can be described as a type of visual communication that is visual. A photo will be worth 1,000 words while the word A+ is worth 2 thousand. A+ content can be found at the midpoint of the detail page. This “enhanced content” found here permits Amazon sellers to make use of images, logos and texts to highlight the features of the product and provide differentiators. A+ Content feature is only available to professional sellers that have been approved as brand owners by the Amazon Brand Registry process. Once you have been approved, there’s no cost for the creation of the content. You’ll be able for access to Comparison Charts, Single Image and Sidebar Four Image Highlights single Image and Specs Detail One Image and Highlights as well as Image with Light Text. Another advantage of A Plus content is the ability to assist customers with questions. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

Below is an image of the exemplary A+ Content. This company made the most of the opportunity to offer the product to consumers via A+ Content. Bio Schwartz provides information on ingredients regarding product safety, manufacturing and production it even goes beyond describing the features that make it different in comparison to other items available. Bio Schwartz performs an excellent job of offering recommended usage and anticipated benefits , which enhances the user experience for the brand. The extensive content that is provided can help the brand get ahead in the competition to sell products. – Optimizing Amazon Product Listing

Now It’s Your Turn

Optimizing Amazon Product Listing – An effective optimization can result in drastic and abrupt changes in Amazon keywords ranking. When your organic ranking grows, your visibility on the market increases, which can lead to more visits, sessions and sales. You are now equipped with five essential steps for an effective optimization of your Amazon listing. The category of supplements is growing. Amazon is an online platform that permits flexibility and innovation – make use of it! The products you offer should mirror your business’s style and image, which will help you stand out from the hundreds of competitors. Remember to utilize optimization as means to increase credibility and highlight areas of differentiating factors.

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